Trivia Question of the Day

Trivia Question of the Day:

How many bones comprise a giraffe’s neck?

Answer: Seven.. The same number of bones as in a human being's neck, except that the giraffe’s are huge, each cervical vertebra averaging about 10 inches in length.

Previous Trivia Questions

What can human beings do that's faster than a cheetah?

Answer: Sneeze. Cheetahs are the fastest animals in the world, reaching speeds of up to 75mph, but sneezes win the speed contest by traveling up to 100 miles per hour.

What is the name of toothpaste that goes on a toothbrush?

Answer: A Nurdle. If you look up the meaning of the word “nurdle,” you'll find that it is a small pellet of plastic used to make plastic products. But, it is also what toothpaste manufacturers call the dab of toothpaste that sits on top of toothbrushes in their ads.

What is the smallest nation in the world?

Answer: The Vatican City. At 0.19 square miles, Vatican City is the smallest nation in the world. This city-state has a population of 825 people, and is surrounded by Rome, Italy. Home to the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church.

The U.S. 10,000$ bill was last printed in 1945 and is the largest denomination ever in public circulation; whose portrait appeared on it?

Answer: Salmon P. Chase – Secretary of the Treasury. An American politician and lawyer who served as the sixth chief justice of the United States Supreme Court. He also served as the 23rd governor of Ohio, represented Ohio in the United States Senate. Chase is one of the few American politicians who have served in all three branches of the federal government.

What is the largest desert in the world?

Answer: The Antarctic. Despite the usual misconceptions, deserts can be both hot and cold. The Sahara is the largest hot desert in the world and can reach temperatures of up to 122 degrees Fahrenheit (50 degrees Celsius) during the day.

Michael Myers is the villain of which horror movie franchise?

Answer: Halloween. Michael Myers is a fictional character from the Halloween series of slasher films. He appears in all of the Halloween films except Halloween III: Season of the Witch, which did not feature any elements from the preceding two films, but did feature a television playing the original Halloween film.

Which country has hosted the most Olympic games?

Answer: The United States. The United States has hosted a total of eight Olympic Games, more than any other country, followed by France with five and Japan with four editions

Pete Best was the original drummer for which famous band?

Answer: The Beatles. Before Ringo Starr joined the Beatles as their drummer, there was Pete Best, who played for the band for two years before he was booted in 1962. The following year the Beatles became a phenomenon and sold 12 million records in Britain alone.

Ornithology is the study of what?

Answer: Birds. Ornithologists study every aspect of birds, including bird songs, flight patterns, physical appearance, and migration patterns.

In which species do males give birth to their young?

Answer: Seahorses. Seahorses (and their close relatives, sea dragons), are the only species in which the male gets pregnant and gives birth. —a unique adaptation in the animal kingdom.

Blue Ribbon Sports was the name of which famous athletic wear company?

Answer: Nike. Blue Ribbon Sports were just distributors of running shoes made by a Japanese company Onitsuka Tiger. A few years later they decided to go it alone. By July 1971, Nike’s founders were ready to market their own brand of sports shoe, but they needed a name. They decide on Nike, the Greek Goddess of Victory.

Where will you find the smallest bone in the human body?

Answer: The ear.

Which country produces the most coffee in the world?

Answer: Brazil. Brazil is a true powerhouse of coffee production. The country single-highhandedly produces nearly 40% of the world's coffee supply.

Who was the first woman inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame?

Answer: Aretha Franklin

Which country produces the most coffee in the world?

Answer: Brazil. Brazil is a true powerhouse of coffee production. The country single-highhandedly produces nearly 40% of the world's coffee supply.

Which planet in our solar system has the longest day?

Answer: Venus has the longest day of any planet in our solar system. It takes about 243 Earth days for Venus to spin around just once.

How many brains does an octopus have?

Answer: Nine.

An octopus has 9 brains because, in addition to the central brain, each of the 8 arms has a mini-brain that allows them to act independently.

What is the only food that doesn't expire?

Answer: Honey

When excavating ancient Egyptian tombs, archaeologists found pots of honey thousands of years old, and still edible. As long as the container is sealed, raw honey will never spoil. Although it never truly expires, honey can crystallize or granulate but is still safe to consume.

What is the difference between a cemetery and a graveyard?

Answer: Graveyards are attached to churches while cemeteries are stand-alone.

Which two countries share the longest international border?

Answer: The United States and Canada

What is the oldest soft drink in America?

Answer: Dr. Pepper

The earliest vending machine was invented in Greece by a man named Hero Alexandria in the first century, and it was designed to dispense holy water in temples of worship.

What did the first vending machine dispense?

Answer: Holy Water

The earliest vending machine was invented in Greece by a man named Hero Alexandria in the first century, and it was designed to dispense holy water in temples of worship.

What is on the top floor of the U.S. Supreme Court Building?

Answer: A basketball court

On the fifth floor of the Supreme Court is the Supreme Court gym, including a basketball court (named the "Highest Court in the Land").

What is the only fruit that has its seeds on the outside?

Answer: Strawberries

What is the rarest M&M color?

Answer: Brown

What is the only state that borders just one other state?

Answer: Maine

What was the first toy advertised on television?

Answer: Mr. Potato Head

What’s the most expensive home in the world?

Buckingham Palace

What bones do newborns lack?

Answer: kneecaps

What is the real name of the Cookie Monster from Sesame Street?

Answer: Sid

About how many pounds of skin does the average person lose in a given year?

Answer: About 1.5 pounds of skin per year which equals approximately 600,000 particles of skin every hour and 105 pounds by the time a person is 70!

What was Walt Disney afraid of?

Answer: Mice

What are people who love eating ice called?

Answer: Pagophagiacs