Our mission is to enable all students to become contributing members of the society, empowered with the skills, knowledge, and values necessary to meet the challenges of a changing world, by providing the highest quality educational experience we can envision.
In the dignity and value of every human being.
All people can learn and thrive.
Students are our highest priority.
Excellence is worth the investment.
Quality people are the key to excellence.
Effective teachers are the most important component for successful learning.
Successful education is the shared responsibility of students, educators, parents, and community.
Critical thinking and creativity are essential in a rapidly changing world.
Positive self-esteem promotes success.
Parents are an important element in a student's education.
Students deserve a safe, positive, nurturing environment.
Educated people are essential to the success of a democratic society.
All students are entitled the opportunity to reach their highest potential.
Morale, satisfaction, and performance are enhanced when people work together.
Lastly, we developed an acronym IHS strongly emphasizes and carries out:
Integrity: firm adherence to a code of moral values; honesty; incorruptibility.
Honor Yourself & Others: a keen sense of ethical conduct toward one's self and to the whole community.
Social Responsibility: acting with empathy and concern.
General Information
Attendance in classes and work completion are critical to student success. This includes on-task behavior in the classroom, timely completion of assignments, positive contributions during class discussions, and preparing for exams. These behaviors can be facilitated by asking questions and seeking assistance from parents/guardians, teachers, and tutors. Students who are engaged are students who learn.
The opportunities for student involvement at IHS are myriad and diverse. Students may become involved in our award-winning performing arts, visual arts, and career technical education programs. There is something for everyone at IHS. Students may serve as ASB or class officers, participate in athletics, or become members of our outstanding publications- the school newspaper (El Vaquero), yearbook (The Citadel), or iTV (Irvine Television). Over 100 clubs exist on campus, and new clubs are started each year as student interests change and new leaders emerge. Many of these clubs engage in community service activities, offering opportunities for students to serve others. Involvement in activities fosters the acquisition of group interaction skills (including how to be part of a team and how to work cooperatively), time management, organizational, and leadership skills. Above all, being part of something at school generates a sense of community and a commitment to learning, which leads to a richer, more rewarding high school experience.
Course of study
The Course of Study allows students and parents to find detailed information on every class we offer at Irvine High School. We hope you find this document not only informational but a motivational platform as to what Irvine High School has to offer
Irvine High School Course Of Study
Community Service / Volunteer Hours
Community service is not a requirement for an IUSD high school diploma. However, many Irvine High students participate in a wide range of volunteer service to demonstrate their commitment to their school and local community. It is suggested, for students participating in community service, to maintain a record of these activities. In any given year prior to graduation during which 25 or more hours of community service are completed and documented, a notation will be indicated on the student’s Irvine High School transcript. Community service is often viewed favorably for scholarship consideration and on college applications. Students can learn more information about Community Service on the Irvine High School website.
Teacher Advisement Program (TA)
The Teacher Advisement Program (TA) provides an invaluable service to students, parents/guardians, and staff. It fosters communication, cooperation, and a partnership between and among all of these groups. Advisors have approximately 25-30 students of the same grade level whom they help guide, mentor, and support through high school. Students are required to meet with their advisor each week. This contact promotes the exchange of important grade level and school-wide information and furthers the relationship between advisor and student. In addition, advisor-student-parent/guardian course enrollment conferences are held annually in the spring.
The Teacher Advisor and the School Counselor are the crucial links between the student’s needs, abilities, interests, and the vast array of educational opportunities and choices offered at IHS.
Link Crew is a transition program to assist new students and freshmen in acclimating to the Irvine High School culture. Link Crew is a student mentor program run by students for students. Irvine prides itself on the demonstration of values – IHS (Integrity, Honor, and Social Responsibility). Growing from that philosophy, Irvine High School strives to provide new students with the social and academic support and guidance they need to succeed at school.