Request for Proposals

STEMATHON 2023 will be held October 25, 2023, hosted in-person at Lancaster-Lebanon IU13. We hope to amplify the voices of STEM educators across the state by featuring your experiences and expertise in our breakout sessions.

Proposals to present are due by JUNE 9, 2023.

Frequently Asked Questions: 

Who should present at STEMATHON 2023?

YOU! Classroom teachers, specialists, instructional coaches, technology integrators, school leaders, community members in the STEM field… we’re looking for educators and those passionate about STEM education willing to share their stories and experiences in STEM learning and who can offer attendees practical and inspirational classroom takeaways. 

Do I need to be a seasoned conference presenter?

No. Even if you have never presented at STEMATHON or other conferences, if you are passionate about STEM learning, you’re a great fit for hosting a session. So, wave goodbye to any imposter syndrome creeping in and understand that YOU would make a wonderful STEMATHON session facilitator.

What is this year’s conference theme?

“Ignite • Innovate • Inspire • Imagine”

What topics or themes are you looking for?

When you submit your session proposal, you have the opportunity to choose “tags” that best represent your session’s main topic. We would love to see sessions that represent STEM career readiness, equity in STEM, CS integration, STEM ecosystems, creative approaches to STEM learning, STEM instructional resources, STEM leadership and partnerships!

How long are sessions? How will I be presenting?

Sessions are 50 minutes, and you will be presenting in-person.