Wyatt lang


Welcome, I hope you're having a delightful day so far!

I'm a senior at IUPUI studying Health Services Management (HSM), and I have created this website to better show off some of my proud moments from my time at IUPUI.

I will be graduating from IUPUI in May 2024, and after graduating, I plan on finding a career in data analytics, where I can best use the skills I've learned to help patients in the best way I can.

Why health services managment?

I am deeply committed to pursuing a career in healthcare because I have witnessed firsthand the transformative impact of modern medicine on the lives of those I hold dear, from my cousin's triumphant battle against cancer to my father's survival of a burst appendix. Modern medicine is a wonder, and through witnessing those experiences, I want to be a part of it and help those around me.

I choose health services management because I have always been better at leading, analyzing, and creating plans, and being in the management of a hospital will allow me to put my talents to better use than in any other section of healthcare.


