IU Indianapolis Healthy Campus 2030 Student Objectives

Data Dashboard

This is the data dashboard for IU Indianapolis Healthy Campus 2030 student objectives established by the IU Indianapolis Wellness Coalition. Data comes from the ICSUS and NCHA surveys administered by the Office of Health and Wellness Promotion (hwpindy@iu.edu). 

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Mental Health and Suicide

Objective MH-1

ICSUS question 35 - Mean number of days in the past 30 days mental health was not good.

🔴 Moving in the wrong direction

Objective MH-2

NCHA question N3Q48 - Students who report "high" overall stress in the past 30 days. Decrease to at or below the line. 

🔴 Moving in the wrong direction but following the reference group

Objective MH-3

NCHA question N3Q49 - Decrease suicide ideation. Anything greater than "never" is recoded as an affirmative response.

🔴 Moving in the wrong direction

Objective MH-4

NCHA question N3Q43 - Students who select "yes" from dichotomous yes/no option.

🔴 Moving in the wrong direction

Objective MH-5

NCHA question N3Q45 - Students who select "often" from hardly ever, some of the time, or often. Hold at or below the line.

🔴 Moving in the wrong direction

Healthcare Utilization and Immunization

Objective HCU-1

NCHA question N3Q54B - Increase to at or above the line. Students who responded "yes" to receiving services.

🟡 Positive improvement but not meeting target

Objective HCU-2

NCHA question N3Q57 - Increase to at or above the line. Students who responded "yes" to receiving services. 

🔴 Moving in the wrong direction but following the reference group

Objective HCU-3

NCHA question N3Q55A - Increase to at or above the line. Students who responded "yes" to receiving services. 

🔴 Moving in the wrong direction but following the reference group

Objective HCU-4

NCHA question N3Q56 - Hold at or above the line.

🔴 Moving in the wrong direction

Objective HCU-5

NCHA question N3Q61 - Increase to at or above the line. Male students who reported completing the entire vaccine series.

🟡 Positive improvement but not meeting target

Interpersonal Violence and Personal Safety

Objective IPV-1

NCHA question N3Q19B - Decrease over time. Predicted to increase first before decreasing. 

🟢 Meeting goal and on target

Objective IPV-2

NCHA question N3Q19C - Decrease to at or below the reference line. Pursuing 2% or lower over time.

🟡 Positive improvement but not meeting target

Objective IPV-3

NCHA question N3Q19E - Decrease to at or below the reference line. Pursuing 2% or lower over time.

🔴 Moving in the wrong direction but following the reference group

Objective IPV-4

NCHA question N3Q20D - Decrease over time. Proportion of all students.

🔴 Moving in the wrong direction

Objective IPV-5

NCHA question N3Q20G - Decrease over time. Stalking is defined in the question.

🔴 Moving in the wrong direction

Nutrition and Food Security

Objective NFS-1

NCHA question N3Q9A - Increase over time. Sugar-sweetened beverages are defined in the question.

🔴 Moving in the wrong direction

Objective NFS-2

NCHA question N3Q10 - Decrease over time. Serving of fruit is defined in the question.

🔴 Moving in the wrong direction

Objective NFS-3

NCHA question N3Q11 - Decrease over time. Serving of vegetables is defined in the question.

🔴 Moving in the wrong direction

Objective NFS-4

NCHA question N3Q12D - Decrease over time.

🔴 Moving in the wrong direction

Objective NFS-5

Proposed new survey question, no current data.

Physical Activity and Sleep

Objective PHS-1

NCHA question N3Q6 - Increase to at or above the line. Moderate physical activity defined in the question. 

🟡 Positive improvement but not meeting target

Objective PHS-2

NCHA question N3Q7 - Increase to at or above the line. Vigorous physical activity defined in the question.

🔴 Moving in the wrong direction but following the reference group

Objective PHS-3

NCHA question N3Q14 - Increase to at or above the line.

🟡 Positive improvement but not meeting target

Objective PHS-4

NCHA question N3Q16B - Decrease to at or below the line. 

🔴 Moving in the wrong direction but following the reference group

Objective PHS-5

NCHA question N3Q16D - Increase to at or above the line.

🟢 Meeting goal and on target

Sexual and Reproductive Health

Objective SEX-1

Proposed new survey question, no current data.

Objective SEX-2

NCHA questions N3Q36 A-C combined. Recode into dichotomous variable in which any frequency of past 30-day barrier use for any sexual activity counts as affirmative response.

Objective SEX-3

NCHA question N3Q38G - Increase to at or above the line. 

🟡 Moving in the wrong direction but exceeding target

Objective SEX-4

NCHA question N3Q38A - Increase to at or above the line. 

🔴 Moving in the wrong direction but following the reference group

Objective SEX-5

Question wording combines oral, vaginal, and anal intercourse. Goal is simply to increase awareness of the mean without stigmatizing the number of sexual partners.

Substance Use

Objective AOD-1

ICSUS question 12 - Affirmative responses include any past 30 day use of any tobacco or nicotine product.

🟢 Meeting goal and on target

Objective AOD-2

ICSUS question 12 - Metric combines responses for using marijuana on 20-39 occasions and 40 or more occasions in the past 30 days. 

🟢 Meeting goal and on target

Objective AOD-3

ICSUS question 12 - Affirmative responses include any past 30 days use of any prescription drugs not prescribed to you (combines stimulants, painkillers, sedatives). 

🟢 Meeting goal and on target

Objective AOD-4

NCHA question N3Q30A - Decrease to at or below the line. Only students who reported driving in the last 30 days and drinking alcohol in the last 30 days were asked this question. 

🟡 Positive improvement but not meeting target

Objective AOD-5

NCHA SSISALCOHOL - A calculated variable that provides the ASSIST screening tool score for alcohol. Metric combines "moderate" and "high-risk" categories.  

🟢 Meeting goal and on target