How Does Service Learning Impact Soft-Skill Development in First-Year Students?

Ashley Burelison, School of Health & Human Sciences
Iza De Los Reyes, School of Health & Human Sciences
Olivia Kilburn, School of Health & Human Sciences

Researchers in a first-year seminar for the Health Sciences major were interested in the potential impact of service learning on soft-skill development of first-year students. This was achieved by analysis of the impact of service learning measured by the evaluation of summative reflections and a pre-/post-experience questionnaire. The researchers also employed tools through the semester to help students understand topics of social justice, the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) competencies, and goal-setting. While the research was focused on student development, the researchers were also able to develop tools to help in future course design.

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Burelison, Ashley.mp4