Creating and Sustaining Micro and Macro Advocacy in a Clinical Experiential Course

Carrie Hagan, McKinney School of Law
Malorie Palmer, McKinney School of Law
Brendan Haile, McKinney School of Law

Integrating students into the community on projects with a specific impact can seem difficult to implement and sustain, yet with careful planning, reflection, reassessment, and strong community partner relationships, these partnerships can exist and succeed. Working with Goodwill of Southern and Central Indiana and the Civil Practice Clinic of the Robert H. McKinney School of Law has created one such partnership, targeted at expungement, resulting in over 4000 hours of student community work since the fall 2015. This poster will outline the partnership, tips on creating collaborations between the community and the university, and data on the concrete issues and specific outcomes yielded thus far.

Hagan, Carrie.pdf