Adventure #5:
Closing Activity

Just one more activity for your ecology adventure! To summarize everything you have learned, we're going to do a nice drawing.

Since you are now a professional at identifying the properties of different ecosystems, I am going to have you create your own.

You have three different options!

Option #1

Complete a drawing of an ecosystem.

  • It does not have to be one you have seen before.

  • In fact, you can draw one from our past, present, or you can imagine one in the future.

  • It must contain at least two different plants and two different animals.

  • You should include water somewhere in your ecosystem as well!

Option #2

Find a different ecosystem than the one you are in with the help of a responsible adult.

  • You can either draw this new ecosystem or take good notes on how you identified this ecosystem!

Option #3

Build your own ecosystem!

  • You can use anything that you can find. We would recommend a small container to hold your ecosystem.

  • To do this you can gather dirt, moss, small critters, water, and even small plants or sticks, use your creativity!

Please complete at least one of the activities above (or all three if you want to)!

To conclude our adventure, please think about the following questions and write your responses in your Field Journal.

  • What is an ecosystem?

  • How does the amount of water available impact the ecosystems of our area?

  • What ecosystem do I live in?

  • Why is ecosystem management important, and is it always a good thing for the natural environment?

  • What types of plants and animals are in my area?

  • Has Idaho always looked the same?

Congratulations! You have earned an Adventure Puzzle, the Water & Ecology Piece!

Just below this text, you can left-click on the puzzle piece, print it out, cut it out, and add it to your puzzle. If you need a new puzzle, feel free to print out a new one on the Home Page.

Ready for the next Adventure? Click the link below to learn about saving water!