Adventure #3:
Where is all the water?

Activity Instructions

In this activity, we’re going to explore how much water is stored around the Earth. Instead of using exact volumes, like the number of gallons of water, we’ll use percentages to compare the type and location of water. First, think about each of the questions below and write down your predictions in your Field Journal.

Once you have your answer to one of the questions, click the dropdown arrow to see how close you were to the actual value! Don’t worry if your answers don’t match; this activity is all about having you think like a scientist to estimate the answers before looking at them.

from Wikimedia Commons, CC license

Ready to start? Good luck!

1. Out of all the water on Earth (100%), how much of that is saltwater? This water is found mostly in oceans.

Answer: 97.5%

2. Using the saltwater percentage you learned to the left, what percentage of the world's water is fresh (NOT salty)?

Answer: 2.5%

3. Out of all the freshwater on Earth (100%), how much of that is locked up in glaciers, ice caps, and snowfields?

Answer: 70%

4. Out of all the freshwater on Earth (100%), how much is found in all the freshwater lakes, streams, and rivers?

Answer: Less than 1%!

5. Using the answers to Questions 3 and 4, about what percentage of freshwater has not been identified in this activity yet?

Answer: about 30%! (100% - 70% - <1%)

Great job finding those percentages! How did your predictions compare to the answers?

So, where is the remaining water stored? To answer this question, we have to look at one final method of water storage. Click below to find out!