Adventure #2:
Watershed Activity

After this activity, you will be able to….

Let's make your own watershed and see what happens.

Before we begin, take a moment to gather the following things for your investigation. 

Now watch the video below to make your own watershed.

WOW! Amazing job on completing the activity! How did your predictions in your Field Journal compare to the answers?

Go back into your Field Journal and think about those first questions you answered. 

Great job! You have earned your next Adventure Puzzle, the Types of Streams Piece!

  Just below this text, you can right click on the puzzle piece, print it out, cut it out, and add it to your puzzle. If you need a new puzzle, feel free to print out a new one on the Home Page.

Now that you're done learning about streams and watersheds, it's time to learn more about water storage. Click the button below to continue to Adventure #3!