Grade 4B

Welcome to Grade 4B's Google Classroom

Teacher: Miss Honeysett

Email address:

Our class timetable

PE - Monday and Wednesday

Music - Tuesday and Thursday

French - Monday, Tuesday and Thursday

Swimming - FINISHED

Thursday 31st January

Thursday 7th February, Thursday 28th February

Thursday 7th March, Thursday 14th March, Thursday 21st March, Thursday 28th March

Things to remember:

  • Summer fete costumes - t shirts and shorts (bold and bright block colours). Please can these be brought into school in a named bag no later than Thursday.

Dates for your diary...

Friday 7th June - Summer Fete

Monday 10th June - No school (Whit Monday)

Tuesday 11th June - Grade 4/5 trip to Le Village des Fous

Tuesday 18th June - Lower School Sports Day

Wednesday 19th June - Last day of school

Unit of Inquiry 1: Who we are

Central Idea: Learning about different cultures helps us to develop a better understanding of ourselves and others

Lines of Inquiry: What culture is, aspects of my cultures, similarities and differences between cultures

Unit of Inquiry 2: Where we are in place and time

Central Idea: People tell stories as a way to understand and experience the world around them

Lines of Inquiry: Story structure and story elements, why stories are told, how different stories reflect different perspectives

Unit of Inquiry 3: How we express ourselves

Central Idea: People express their ideas, feelings, beliefs and values through the visual arts

Lines of Inquiry: How artists express thoughts, feelings and ideas, Different media used in the visual arts, The art in various movements and cultures

Unit of Inquiry 4: How the world works

Central Idea: All living and non-living things are made up of matter which can be classified according to its properties and changed in different ways.

Lines of Inquiry: What matter is, The properties of matter, How matter is classified, Physical and chemical changes of matter

Unit of Inquiry 5: Sharing the planet

Central Idea: All components of an ecosystem are interdependent.

Lines of Inquiry: The way organisms interact within different ecosystems, How ecosystems maintain balance, The human responsibilities towards maintaining ecosystems.

Unit of Inquiry 6: How we organise ourselves

Central Idea: To be revealed

Lines of Inquiry: To be revealed