Workshop Information

February 16th

ITHS Hosts

I.T. Learns

7:45- 8:10: EdCamp Board will be set up in the main lobby as people come in with already-established topics and post-its to write in new topics for the day.

8:10: Staff Reports to Gym for Group Activity

8:30 - 9:30: Choice Workshop Session

9:30 - 9:45: Edcamp Topic Update (Check IT LEARNS Website for Discussion Board/Main Lobby)

9:50- 10:20: Edcamp Session 1

10:30 - 11:00: EdCamp Session 2

11:00-12:00: LUNCH

12:15-2:15: Grade level/Departmental Meetings in Respective Buildings

Grab and Go Snacks: Water, Granola Bars, Mini Muffins, Pretzels, Popcorn, Cookies