Circus Arts

Check out our videos below!  

For Kindergarten and First Grade:

Animal MOVES: 

Let's use our super power of observation: We made four animal videos for you to watch closely and observe how the animals move. The challenge is: How can you mimic those moves? Watch us give it a try :))

New:   Ms. Jarrell's warm-up. Find a sunny spot outside (or clear some space inside) and join Ms. J's daughter in a fun short warm-up to get strong and flexible!

For all here is the video of the virtual show presented by Circus Harmony:

The Balancing Act:  Walking the Pandemic Tightrope

Make some popcorn and enjoy!!

A little bit about Jessica Hentoff the director of Circus Harmony:

Fun Fact:  Jessica Hentoff and Ms. Meret went to Circus School together and even were partners doing an aerial act and a bicycle act for a while.

For 3rd, 4th, & 5th Grade: 

See our new videos:  

"Use What You Have" challenges: 

A ball and a ring or a clothes hanger!

Ms. Fransien explains "How To Do It" - Caution: this is a brain teasing challenge 

Mr. Adam shows some plate skills to impress at any dinner

Don't forget: Make a POI and practice basic POI skills with Ms. Justine! 

Special Treat:  A Fork and an Apple

Plus A Special Treat:  Spin your POI song and How to Make Your Own Poi Video