Primary Students

Year Group Websites

As part of their computing programme, DBGS Primary School year groups worked together to learn about teamwork and came up with their own ideas to create Websites for their subjects of interest.

Most of the Year 3 students love Arts, so they decided to work as a whole year group on an "Arts" website.

Year 4 students decided to give information about various topics; working in small groups, they researched their topics of interest and presented them under the title "Are You Aware?".

Year 5 students are mostly concerned about online safety and decided to cover topics related to this subject. They came up with a brilliant website that helps viewers with their "Online Safety".

year 6 students are concerned about saving lives and researched various topics related to this subject bringing you ideas to "Help Save Lives".

All of these pages are unedited and are the result of the combined work of the students. We hope that you enjoy them.