Ministry of Magic

Arresto Momentum,

You have reached your destination. Welcome to the Wizarding World. Unlike other MUN committees this committee promises a new experience in which you will engage in debates from a different kind. The Ministry of Magic was created in 1707. There are seven main Ministry departments: Magical Law Enforcement, Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, Magical Transportation, Mysteries, Magical Games and Sports, Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, and International Magical Cooperation. Unlike other committees the Ministry of Magic is a fictional committee meaning it doesn’t discuss world issues, that’s why the delegates require an imagination and good knowledge of the Harry Potter books/movies in order to be qualified and claim their spot in it.

1. Muggle Relations/The Attendance of Muggle Born Children at Hogwarts.

2. Creation of an Independent Centaur State

The Ministeress of Enchantment Hermione Granger has recently assumed control from past Minister Kingsley Shacklebolt, whose residency was known by many as a brilliant age following the demise of Voldemort and the revival of the service. In spite of all signs pointing to a fruitful new administration, the ascent of another fear has driven the Wizarding Scene to the edge of common war with mounting weight on the Service to discover the guilty parties. The includes Harry Potter as the head of Department of Magical Law enforcement and others, Hermione Granger as the Ministeress of Magic and many others. Together they will choose who to consider in charge of this emergency, who will provide the most effective method to alleviate the rising loss of life and how to keep diverse radical wizarding bunches from creating chaos. The destiny of the Wizarding World once again is in the hands of Harry Potter.


President: Leen Azzam

I am Leen Azzam the Secretary for MUN for this year and your humble chair for Ministry of Magic Committee. I am 17 years old and from Syria. Hard work and commitment are my potentials plus having positive vibes around me. My favorite thing in the world is ice cream, I can't live without it. I am looking forward to this year's conference. XOXO

Zaid Al Barghouty

To be totally honest I don't really know how to describe myself, so I asked my best friend and he told me that I'm tall and I'm the dumbest smart person he knows. Describing myself may be one thing that I don't know but what I do know for sure is just how much I love MUN. Some of my favorite memories were made during MUN conferences and I can't wait to create new ones with you all.


Ministry of Magic - Chair Report.pdf