Historical Security Council

The year is 1967, and you have now been taken back in time to solve an issue: The 1967 War, that has resulted in the creation of territories and the breaking of relationships around the world. The committee is Historical Security Council, a committee where the fellow delegates will get the chance to change the outcome of major events in history. Just like security council, there are 15 delegations with the 5 main members, but this time this committee contains fellow nations that have been directly affected, like Jordan and Israel.

The Six Day War

The 1967 War came as a result of the rising tensions between the Arabs and the Israelis. The border between Egypt and Israel was relatively quiet, on the contrary, Israel’s northern border with Syria wasn’t always smooth sailing. They often fought for disputed territory and Syria had multiple attempts to divert the River Jordan from Israel’s national water grid. Suddenly, about a few months later, another force has entered, the Soviet Union. On 13 May, Moscow delivered a warning to Cairo that Israel was massing troops on the border with Syria and would attack within a week. Soon after that, from June 5-June 10 followed multiple deadly battles, with more than 600,000 people either deployed or dead .The result of this war was a decisive Israeli win, where they got to capture the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt, the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) from Jordan, and the Golan Heights from Syria. And now although peace treaties have been signed decades later, Israel still continues to rule over the lands that they won in this war, and tensions are still high between the nation and the Arab world as a whole.


Maysoon Hussein

Hey guys! My name is Maysoon and I'm going to be your chair for this years DAMMUN. I'm a sophomore at Isg Dammam. I consider myself to be loud and outgoing to the 5-10 people I talk to a month, including my family. I love sports and can listen to music 24 hours a day, and am pretty competitive at the things I do so I would love to see a very fiery and exciting debate happen, as I want my first time chairing to be as memorable as possible. Now, we were supposed to mention a motto we live by, so I had to go to google and find nice ones, but they were all pretty depressing. So if there is a say I do live by, it's probably memes seriously send me memes and your winning best delegate (jk, I think) And yeah, I'm looking forward to making this the best conference you all have ever been too hopefully and hope I can get to know all of you and see you again in conferences so that my resolution would be attended to and I wouldn’t be lobbying alone.

Joseph Moussa

My name is Joseph Moussa and I will be your chair for this year's DAMMUN. For the few of you that don't know me, I am a senior at Dhahran High School and have attended 15 conferences, 4 of which I have chaired. I am a 17 year old of Lebanese origin and can therefore speak English, Arabic, and French (with some Spanish). For this conference, I look forward to listening to intense speeches from the part of delegates as well as sic bars from the part-time rappers. For the Dammamies reading this, I hope you guys are as passionate about MUN as you are about supporting your sport teams when they play at DHS. All jokes aside, I will try my best to make this committee fun yet serious and as welcoming for first-time MUNers as it is interesting for the experienced delegates among you. That being said, I look forward to meeting all of you soon. Best of luck in your preparations if you will be doing any.


HSC Chair Report .pdf