The Mayo Speech Team is committed to having a unified and competitive team that encourages growth as an individual as well as a team. We will accomplish this by creating an environment of support for our teammates that will help in the areas of creativity, professionalism, and hard work. The team is affiliated with MSHSL and the NSDA. Competitive speech allows each student to participate in one of thirteen categories. Students typically travel to local competitions where they participate in three rounds at each meet however, for right now they're virtual. In each round, they compete with 4 to 8 other students and then are ranked according to who has done the best in that round, per the judge's expert opinion who gives detailed feedback. Totals are added up and awards presented based on who performed the best in the day or, perhaps, in a final round of the best of the best. Students earn individual and team awards like ribbons, trophies, pins in addition to lettering. This is a skill that will be applicable to the rest of your life, we have fun, we work hard & friendships can last a lifetime!

The team competes in many events. Speech Meets take place on Saturdays during February and March. After that, there is the possibility of competing at the Big 9 Invitational, the Sections, and the State Championship.

How to join: Students are welcome to join through the end of February.

REMIND Spartan Speech @69h274

Student Leadership: Captains this year are Will Laudon, Austin Couch, and Gabby Schimnich.

Moderator: Corey Olson