Second Semester AP Exam Information

Advanced Placement Deadlines Are Approaching!

2023 AP Exam Schedule

Students who have registered to take Advanced Placement exams will be receiving emails about their exam date/s and general  information the last week in April to prepare for the AP exams which begin May 1, 2023.  The exam schedule is attached to this article.  Those exams with an * are ones that JM will be administering this year.

Students should arrive prepared for their exams by 7:30 a.m. for morning exams and by 11:30 a.m. for afternoon exams.  Late students will not be admitted into the test room and will not be allowed to take the exam at that time. 

**Please Note: 

Students should bring the following:

*2 sharpened #2 pencils with erasers for multiple choice questions.  NO mechanical pencils.

*2 pens with black or blue ink for free response questions.

*A watch

*Up to 2 calculators with the necessary capabilities if taking an AP Biology, Calculus, Chemistry, Physics, or Statistics exam.  See apstudents.org/courses to find your course and the specific calculator policy.

*A ruler or straightedge if taking an AP Physics Exam.

*Students may bring a covered water bottle and snacks into the test room to have for break.  

Students should NOT bring the following to the exam room:

*Cell phones are not allowed in test rooms.  Electronic equipment of any kind including smart watches or wearable technology of any kind, laptops, tablet computers, Bluetooth devices, portable listening or recording devices, cameras or other photographic equipment, devices that access the internet, separate timers of any type, and any other electronic or communication devices.

*Subject books, dictionaries, highlighters, or notes

*Mechanical pencils or colored pencils

*Rulers or straightedges


*Scratch paper

*Computers or calculators(except as previously noted)

*Reference guides, keyboard maps or other typing instructions

*Watches that beep or have an alarm

*Clothing or shoes with subject-related information

*Ear plugs


Teachers have been working hard all year to prepare their students for these exams. I'm sure we'll see some terrific test scores when they are posted in July!

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Sandy Nieland at sanieland@rochesterschools.org.

Sandy Nieland

JM AP Exam Coordinator

AP Exam Schedules 2023.pdf