Welcome to the Yellow Pod!

Angela Harvala

Room 401

(763) 389-6841


Laura Skluzacek

Room 402

(763) 389-6829


Erin Franson

Room 403

(763) 389-6834


Brenna Nyboer

Room 404

(763) 389-6826


Please see the image below to see an overview of weekly activities and assignments due.

Hover over the document and click the grey box in the upper right corner to scroll and view previous weeks.

Homework Announcement:

Homework this year will be:

- Unfinished work from class

- Reading EVERY NIGHT (20 minutes minimum)

          • Could include: Books, eBooks, Magazines, Comics, Audio Books, Audible, Epic!, Libby (Public Library App)

- Going outside to observe nature

Students are encouraged to TAKE TIME to be KIDS! Explore the outdoors, get lost in good books or magazines, get creative with Lego building... Video games seem to be a popular past-time, but what else interests your child? We LOVE when students share their unique hobbies and interests!

Finally, no act of reading is discouraged. If a child's passion lies in Car User Manuals or Cookbooks...GREAT! READ AWAY!!!

Any actual work sent home will be due to absence or poor use of class time.