Rules and Norms

Be Safe, Be Respectful and Kind, Be Responsible, Give Your Best Effort, & Keep a Positive Attitude

We will refer to our classroom rules as "norms". The norms are the acceptable standard of behavior for anyone and everyone in our classroom. Students will be expected to adhere to certain standards of behavior while at school and during school sponsored field trips and activities. This includes sports.

There is a three-strike policy for minor behaviors such as being off-task, tardy, or unprepared for class. For example, if a student repeats a minor behavior for a third time, they will be referred to the office, given recess detention, and a detention slip will be sent home to be signed by the parent/guardian. All office referrals will be documented in the student’s Infinite Campus file, which will follow them to the high school, and are a part of their school records. Major behaviors, such as fighting, will be immediately referred to the office, documented in Infinite Campus, and the parent/guardian will be notified. Additional consequences for major behaviors will depend on the circumstances and severity of the incident. Consequences could range from detention to expulsion from school, or exclusion from special school events and activities.