9th Grade
Welcome to your freshman year! There is a lot of important information on this page that has been updated for the 2024-2025 school year. Please visit this page throughout the year for any important updates regarding the freshmen class. Additionally, students may receive updates via their school email, so it is important for each student to check their email regularly for any updates. For important information for all of BHS, parents and students can also check the daily bulletin throughout the school year.
Schedule Change Request information
Freshman Orientation: Freshmen Orientation is held each year the week before school starts. This is for students only to allow them time to become acclimated to the high school in a fun setting. It will be held on Thursday, August 29, from 8 am to 12 pm. Students should be dropped off at the main high school entrance (flag pole) between 7:45 am and 8 am. They can be picked up at noon at the main entrance as well. We are excited to welcome you to the high school family, and we are committed to helping you find success. If students need any accommodations in order to fully access and participate in orientation, please let us know! Orientation is important and will help students:
understand important information about their class schedules and school expectations;
locate their classrooms;
find and access their lockers;
get to know their teachers;
meet the principals; and
get their questions answered!
Please email either Ms. Hengel kelley_hengel@isd31.net or Ms. Dockendorf jade_dockendorf@isd31.net with any questions or concerns.
One last reminder: high school orientation is for students only; our high school staff and Link Crew are excited to meet and guide our new students through orientation!
School Pictures: Picture Day is September 12, 2024. Retakes will be held on October 10, 2024. Pictures will be ordered through Jostens Pix at shop.jostenspix.com with Event Code FE146124. Please note: All students must have their picture taken so that student ID cards can be printed. Pictures can be ordered at any time.
Freshman Retreat: We are looking forward to getting to know your 9th grade student! In the fall each year we have a special retreat to help welcome all incoming freshmen, with Character Challenge Course Co. as the facilitators. The goal of the retreat is to help ease the transition from middle school to high school and lay the groundwork for a positive year. The event leaders, along with BHS Link Leaders, will work to provide an experience of team building, belonging, and respect. They will do this with the use of large group activities, small group discussions, storytelling, and music.
The retreat will be held on Tuesday, October 8th, and Wednesday, October 9th, in the Beaux Art Room on the Bemidji State University campus. The students with last names beginning with A-K will be attending the retreat on Tuesday, October 8th, and students with last names L-Z will be going on Wednesday, October 9th.
Bag lunches will be packed by our school food service. This will include a meat/cheese sandwich, chips, veggies, fruit, and milk. Please note on the permission form if your student has any special dietary needs or allergies on file with food services.
Students will be riding buses from the high school and arrive at BSU around 9:00 am. They will be returning to the high school at approximately 2:55 pm later that day in time to catch the bus home or participate in after school activities.
In order for the students to attend the retreat, a signed permission slip need to be returned to the BLUE (Student Services Office) by FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th, at 3:30 pm. NO LATE PERMISSION SLIPS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Please email Jade Dockendorf jade_dockendorf@isd31.net or Kelley Hengel kelley_hengel@isd31.net with any questions.
Family Access (Skyward) – Please be sure to check that your student's information is up to date and that you are able to log into Skyward in order to receive the most up to date information for your student.
Lockers – New this year, lockers will be assigned only when requested. To request a locker, please click here and fill out the following form and you will be sent your information via your school email. If you have any issues, please see the secretaries in the main office for assistance. Once a locker has been assigned to you it will be yours for your entire four years at BHS. A school-issued lock will be on your locker….personal locks are NOT allowed. A reminder that students are NOT allowed to move to another locker or share lockers. If a locker has been assigned, your locker information will appear on the top of your printed schedule.
School Supply List – In high school, the supplies you need depend upon the classes you have chosen. At Freshman Orientation, you will have an opportunity to meet with your teachers and find out what supplies are used in each class. A good student needs the right tools to be successful. In general, you should have a notebook and folder for each class, pens, pencils, a calculator and a backpack. A student planner is a great way to keep yourself organized and on-track!
Room Numbers – Afraid you will get lost? No need to worry! While BHS is a big building that may seem overwhelming, just remember that everyone in ninth grade is in the same boat. In a few short days, things won’t seem so new and you’ll be on your way to knowing all the exciting things BHS has to offer!
Here’s a hint -- when you see a room number on your schedule, just remember that the SECOND NUMBER tells you which floor the room is on and the FIRST NUMBER tells you which section of the building….section one is closer to the Front Doors and section two is closer to the Bus Doors. For example: Rm 2128 is on the first floor, second section. Rm 1234 is on the second floor, first section.
Admit to Class – If you come to school late, please report to the Attendance Secretaries in the Main Office for an Admit to Class. Your parent/guardian should call the Main Office before you arrive so your absence can be excused. If your parent/guardian has called ahead of time, they do not need to come into the Office with you. The Office has an answering machine 24 hours a day, so your parent/guardian can leave a message anytime. Last Names A-K, should call 218-444-1600 ext. 63303. Last Names L-Z, should call 218-444-1600 ext. 63301.
Permit to Leave – If you need to leave during the school day, please pick up a Permit to Leave from the Main Office before you go to class. Your parent should call the Main Office with information about the date, time and reason for your absence. Teachers will not release you from class unless you show them the Permit to Leave when class starts. If your parent has called ahead of time, they do not need to come in to the Office to pick you up.
Parent-Teacher Conferences – BHS conferences are held in the evenings, at the mid-point of each term. Conferences are held Open House style with the teaching staff in the BHS Commons from 4-7 pm. In-person conferences are not scheduled and are on a first come first served basis. From 7-8 pm, teachers will conduct conferences via phone and email. If you would like to request to be contacted by phone or email, please click here and fill out the conference sign-up.
Here are the 2024-2025 conference dates for BHS:
Term 1 Conferences – October 3, 2024
Term 2 Conferences – December 12, 2024
Term 3 Conferences – February 27, 2025
Term 4 Conferences – May 1, 2025
**Please be aware that November 7 and March 13 are listed as conference days on the Bemidji Area Schools District Calendar. These dates are only for elementary and middle school conferences.
Report Cards – In an effort to go green, student report cards will not be printed and mailed each term. The student's report card can be viewed and printed by accessing the student Portfolio in Skyward after final grades have been posted approximately one week following the end of each term.
Health Office – If you become ill during the school day, please report to the Health Office. Our school Health Paraprofessionals will make an assessment and call your parent/guardian. They will give you a Permit to Leave campus, so you won’t need to stop in the Main Office. If you become ill and just leave campus without the Permit to Leave, you will be marked unexcused. The health office can be reached at 218-444-1600 ext. 63317 or ext. 63157.
Food Services:
For all food service inquiries, please contact the District Food Service Office at 218-333-3100 ext. 31141 or 31142 or Fax: 218-333-3164
Graduation Requirements: This is very Important!!! To graduate from Bemidji High School in 2028, a student needs a total of 35 credits.
35 Credits required for graduation:
4 credits in English
4 credits in Math
4 credits in Science
4 credits in Social Studies
1 credit in Arts (visual arts, music, and performing arts & media arts)
1 credit in Physical Education
1/2 credit in Health
1/2 credit in Personal Finance
Remaining credits in electives
Please pay attention to your credits. It doesn’t take much to fall behind! If you fail a core class, please see the freshmen counselor as soon as possible to discuss your options.
Driver’s Education – BHS does not offer a driver’s education class.
Bemidji Driving School can be reached at 218-759-2684 or at bemidjidrivingschool.com.
Headwaters Driving School is excited to announce that the state of MN has approved its online driver’s education course. Who can take this course? Any student ages 14-17 years old. Complete your 30 hour classroom requirement ONLINE and at your own pace with a LOCAL company. Register Online @ headwatersdrivingschool.com and start your class TODAY!
All information below is for historical reference ONLY!