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Trimester two: Week eight update

February 5, 2021

Greetings Jefferson Students and Families!

Principal Anderson here with a few notes as we enter the coldest stretch of the winter. This is definitely an important point in the trimester as we are over halfway done and have just around four weeks or so remaining. Moving on to our updates...

Grading Update. After studying our data and other factors, we have decided to continue our grading practices established during the first trimester. Therefore all students will be able to opt into a “Pass” for any earned passing letter grade. In addition to that, any student who does not earn a passing grade in a course will be issued an “Incomplete” and not an “F.” More information will be provided as we get closer to the end of the trimester.

Registration. All current 9-11 grade students have received information on registering for courses for next school year. As a reminder, all registration needs to be completed by Friday, February 19. For more detailed information on registration, please click HERE.

In Building Supports and Opportunities. We have resumed our in-building supports, which allows us to bring in a small number of students to receive some in-person support. If you would like to discuss our in-building supports, please contact your student’s counselor. In addition to supports, some teachers may also be inviting small groups of students to the building to work on a task that is far more effective in person than virtually. All COVID guidelines and protocols are followed when working in the building.

February 8 School Board Meeting. I highly encourage you to watch the school board meeting on Monday, February 8 at 7PM shown live on BEC-TV. This meeting will include a presentation regarding a potential move for our secondary schools from distance learning to hybrid learning. Depending on the outcome of that meeting, I will plan on sending a follow up message to all students and families on February 9 to share further Jefferson specific details.

Conferences. Reminder that here are no in-person or scheduled conferences this trimester. Teachers have been reaching out to families over the past two weeks to communicate any concerns. Please contact your student's teacher with any questions.

Looking Down The Road.

  • No School Friday, February 12, Monday February 15, and Tuesday, February 16

  • ACT Exam for Juniors on March 2 (As of now, this is still scheduled to happen)

  • End of Trimester 2 is on Friday, March 5

Until next time Jaguars. Be well and stay warm.

Jaysen Anderson, Principal

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