Distance Learning Resources for Parents

Teachers began delivering their distance learning lessons March 30th. We understand and very much appreciate your partnership in your child's education during this time. On this site we hope you will find some resources to help you and your child access their distance learning lessons as well as ideas to supplement those lessons.

Sample Schedule for Learning at Home

Many kids crave routines, and being home from school can make things feel unpredictable, especially with all the scary news right now. Set up a schedule that works for you and your family. If you need ideas, click on the image to the left to view an example of a daily schedule along with activity ideas.

Webinar Video-Parents as Remote Learning Aides

This is a video recording of a webinar that may have some great ideas for parents who are facilitating their child's distance learning instruction. Here are some topics covered in this video.

-Defining the role of the Remote Learning Aide-Organizing your child(ren)’s @Home remote learning space-Basic rules for productive remote learning-Communicating with teachers and the schoolBeyond the learning – maintaining a social emotional balance

Resources for Distance Learning

Many teachers will be using tools such as Google Classroom to distribute assignments and connect with their students. Others are planning on using SeeSaw. Below are some resources to help you get familiar with those platforms.

Google Classroom Guide for Parents

This video will take you through the basics of Google Classroom and how teachers may be using it to connect with their students as they provide distance learning instruction.

Seesaw Guide for Parents and Students

The image to the left will link to a How To page for Seesaw.

How To Login to Student Accounts

Directions for logging into a Chromebook

Note: If you checked out a device from school and don't see a login screen when it starts up you may have to restart the device. Hold down the power button until it goes black then hold the power button again until the screen lights up.

Directions for logging into student accounts on a PC or Mac

Reading Wonders on an iPad

This tutorial will instruct you on how to create a desktop shortcut to the Student Web Page and how to change iPad settings to access Reading Wonders activities.

There are many great educational games and websites as well as links to resources listed on each elementary school Student Page. Also, look for a link to some Enrichment activities on each school Page.

Ideas for Online Learning

There are many great educational companies who are offering lessons and activity ideas you can use to supplement the instruction your child is receiving during distance learning.

Scholastic provides 5 days of reading activities for students PreK-9

Khan Academy offers a weeks worth of lessons and activites in math and reading for students in Grades PreK-12.

Club SciKidz

Every day on their blog, Club SciKidz will post a different simple science experiment for kids and parents to do at home.

GoNoodle is a great site for getting elementary age children up and moving.

Math Games

You can sort through these always-free math games by grade level, or by skill you're looking to work on. There are also free worksheets you can print out.

Virtual Field Trips

Click on the image to get a list of virtual field trips you can take together.

San Diego Zoo Kids

This site inclues a variety of fun activities such as games, crafts, and animal cams.


This site is offering free access to study packets for K-5 students. Packets need to be downloaded and printed.

If you need help with lessons and activities you can contact your child's teacher. If you are having technical issues please complete a ticket at helpdesk@isd2144.org.