Fantastic 5th Grade

Welcome back from the Winter Holiday. I am so excited to see everyone and hear about the vacation. We have a lot coming up and look forward to.

PLEASE continue to work on your Patriot Awards. This is such a wonderful award and I would love to see all of my students earn it.

Continue to work on ALEKS and reading 20 minutes each night. I will be entering grades into Powerschool this semester, look for grade print outs every two weeks.

Two Exciting Announcements!

I am so excited! This year will be all about classroom community and building the best YOU ever!

The first announcement- I am securing "book sponsors" for each student! Every month students will be able to choose a book out of Scholastic Book Club magazine. People have been so generous and I am so grateful! We will write thank you cards and enjoy receiving a book once month!

The second announcement- we are going to be adopting a non-profit in Cedar City and making items to sell! This includes shirts, bracelets, stickers.....whatever the class can think of. We will visit the non-profit and adopt them. I am thankful for DONORSCHOOSE and GOOGLE for this opportunity!

Don't forget that back to school night is coming on August 8 @6:00 PM. See you there!

June 14, 2019

Hello Parents,

I am scheduling home visits for my new students. This is a national program that our school is blessed to be partnered with. Last year was my first year with home visits and I know that the visits benefited my students. The children knew me and I knew them from the first day of school. We are there to learn about the students and what your hopes are for your children. We can have the home visit in your home or if you are more comfortable, we can meet at a park, etc. If you don't hear from me, please contact me ( for an appointment. I look forward to meeting everyone this summer!

Mrs. Brown

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Welcome to Mrs. Brown's 5th Grade Class, Cedar North Elementary

Wear pink on Wednesdays and Fridays in October. Show our Iron County ladies that we support their fight against breast cancer.

Go Math

Learning the 50 States



Classroom Code: RLY5669

How to write a resource

Patriot Award Letter.docx

Patriot Award

5th Grade Curriculum

Patriot Award Letter.docx