Instructional Technology Education

This site will serve as an important resource for both students and parents. You will be able to access necessary materials and other important resources. I am looking forward to a great year!

Contact Information:

School phone: 630-375-3100 X9531

  Texting: 630-423-6052

I am excited to be teaching Computer Technology this year!

A little about me....I have been teaching for 18 years. I earned my Bachelor Degree from Eastern Illinois University in 1999 and my Masters from National Louis University in 2007. I took 9 years off from teaching to raise my kiddos. I have been back in the classroom at Fischer for the last 9 years.

In my free time, I love hanging with my family. I have 4 kids who keep me very busy!   My oldest are triplets and they are SENIORS in HS. My youngest started HS this year. My husband also teaches at a middle school in the district. We enjoy traveling, watching sports, cooking as a family, camping and hiking.

As a teacher, I truly believe in the saying "Kids will not care how much you know until they know how much you care."  It is my passion to show my students that I care more about them,  than the subjects I teach.  I will encourage my students to reach their full potential and encourage them to take their "job" here at Fischer seriously.  Helping students learn behaviors that will continue to benefit them in life is an essential part of middle school. 

Please feel free to contact me at any time. I look forward to getting to know you and your family this year.

My family