Student Created CoSpaces Edu Video Tutorials

Created by 3rd graders at 'Iolani School, 2018 - 2019

Created with CoSpaces Edu and Explain Everything apps for iPad.

Explain Everything

CoSpaces Edu

After working through several CoSpaces Edu projects during the school year, 3rd graders at 'Iolani School were tasked with creating their own video tutorial to teach someone else how to do one specific thing in CoSpaces Edu. They used the Explain Everything app on the iPad to combine screenshots, screen recordings, audio recordings and annotations into short video tutorials. They also learned about the importance of and created their own Creative Commons license to include with their videos.

Publicly Accessible Google Drive Folder

The videos below are stored in a publicly accessible Google Drive folder. These videos are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - Non-Commercial - No Derivatives License. The students that created these videos would like their work to remain unchanged, they don't want their videos used for commercial purposes, and they would like to be credited by their first name and school if shared elsewhere.

YouTube Playlist

The videos below are stored in a publicly accessible YouTube Playlist. These videos are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - Non-Commercial - No Derivatives License. The students that created these videos would like their work to remain unchanged, they don't want their videos used for commercial purposes, and they would like to be credited by their first name and school if shared elsewhere. Please feel free to leave positive comments for the students on the YouTube videos (comments will be moderated and approved first).