Classroom Norms, Policies & Expectations

Classroom Norms

1. Respectful.

Failure and struggle are an important part of learning mathematics. Respect everyone’s journey as they grow in discovering the creative beauty of mathematics. Encourage, support, and help everyone every day.

2. Responsible.

It is our responsibility to help you grow as a mathematician. Mathematics should not be performance based. The focus of this course is to deeply understand mathematics and it requires you, me and the class collaborating together to make connections. Attending class and being prepared for class will help tremendously.

3. Involved.

Everyone has the ability to learn mathematics and achieve at the highest levels. There isn’t an innate ability to do mathematics. Active participation, making connections and hard work create a mathematician.

4. Honesty.

Honesty is important. Not only are mistakes expected in mathematics but in life as well. You will learn from the mistakes and grow as a person. We need an open door of communication so we can continue our endeavor to learn the wonders of mathematics.

5. Mistakes

Mistakes are expected. If you already knew the material, you won’t be in the course. Making mistakes means your brain is growing.

6. Questions

I love student questions. Questions create connections.

7. Depth

Contrary to all your state testing, mathematics is not about speed. Depth of understanding is more important than quick mental calculations. Top mathematicians think slowly and deeply.

Norms Technical Details

  • School Policy: Please be in your seat according to the time schedule. If you are not in your seat, it will count as a tardy. Three tardies will result in a referral. For each tardy you will be assigned a 15-minute detention served before school from 7:45 to 8:00 a.m.. You have one week to serve your detention.

  • You need your agenda book to leave the classroom.

  • A pencil is required for all notes, assignments, quizzes, and exams. I will not accept an assignment done in pen. Mistakes happen.

Reassessment Policy

There is no substitute for ample preparation. Homework, quizzes and sample tests should provide every student an opportunity to identify areas in need of improvement and the opportunity to seek additional help if needed. Reassessment on a summative assessment with an assessed score below 70% will be mandatory. Scores above 70% will only be reassessed on an individual basis under extenuating circumstances. It is not an automatic opportunity for everyone. If a reassessment is necessary, the following procedure will be followed.

  1. All homework assignments for the chapter MUST be completed. If any homework assignments are missing, they must be completed and turned into me BEFORE the reassessment process can begin. These assignments will be assessed for understanding but will NOT be entered into the gradebook since the due date has passed and they are no longer accepted.

  2. The student will need to set up a time to come in (TREK, etc) and complete a problem set until proficiency is reached. The problems can be found on the Individual Record Form.

  3. After proficiency is reached, the student will need to take an alternative assessment (same format) outside of class time. This needs to be completed within one week (7 days) of the assessment being returned. (For example, if the assessment was passed back on a Tuesday, then the student will have until the end of the day Tuesday the following week to complete the reassessment.) The student will be assessed on non-proficient skills only.

  4. The score on the new assessment will be recorded in the grade book. (Even if the new score is lower it will be recorded. It is a measure of the current level of understanding.)

Late Work Policy

Math is cumulative - One of the greatest differences is that math builds on itself. It is a subject that requires knowledge from previous sessions. Therefore, completing homework on time is vital to the success of every student in this course.

A due date and time will be clearly given for each assignment. An assignment not submitted by the due date and time is late. I will show a zero in the grade book until the assignment is submitted. All late assignments are due by the quiz of the assignment sections, after which it will no longer be accepted for credit. Quizzes are given after every two sections are covered.

BOTH assignments must be completed to take the quiz. If the quiz is taken without the homework assignments being completed, the score for the missing homework assignments will be recorded as a zero in the gradebook and no longer accepted. Quizzes and tests will be taken on the day assigned. The only exception is an excused absence or multiple excused absences. Please see Make-Up Work Policy below.

Make Up Work Policy

Make up work: If you are absent from school it is your responsibility to get missing work. The best source is to get the assignments from me. (Assignments will be posted in Schoology and on my posted lesson plans.) While missed work should be completed as early as possible to prevent falling behind, work missed due to an excused absence will be due no later than the next class meeting after returning to school.

Missed Test/Quiz: Pre-announced and scheduled tests, which are missed due to an excused absence, will be administered on the day the student returns to class. Please plan to take the test during your study hall. If your study hall is before your math class please see before school starts so we can determine the best time to take the assessment.

Iola-Scandinavia Middle School/ High School Math Expectations

  • Math homework is done in pencil -- if not, redo it.

  • Notes should also be done in pencil

  • Calculators should be brought to class. The prefered calculator is a Texas Instruments TI 30 series ( TI 30, TI 34 etc)

  • Write your name, section, page number and problems in the right corner of your assignment. ( example John Doe 2-6 page 24 2-24 evens)

  • There will be a cumulative final at the end of the course. Keep your notes.

  • Keep a math folder.

  • Work is shown on how to get the answer.

  • Answer has proper label if needed ( feet, inches, yards squared, etc)

  • Work is done on a separate sheet of paper unless told to do it on worksheet or handout.

  • When solving equations if the answer comes out as a fraction, leave it as a simplified improper fraction.

  • If the question is a word problem, the answer should be a sentence describing what the answer means. (It will take 3 more hours to fill the pool)

  • When writing an equation you need to define a variable specifically. (let n = the number of hours it takes to fill the pool) not n= hours.

  • When solving equations, multiply by the inverse instead of dividing by a fraction.

  • When problems involve sets of numbers use set notations, (the domain of the function is d={ 4,5,6,7}).

  • When identifying x and y intercepts students should give the ordered pair

( x int (4,0) y int (0, 5))

  • Ordered pairs should have () not just numbers.

  • Students work must match their answer. Wrong work and correct answer does not mean they did it correctly.

  • When graphing equations, function must extend through the entire graph.