
Can you provide a caption for the image above? Go ahead! Give us your best caption and win a lunch (Subway) with Mr. Snyder and Mr. Hutchison.

The caption contest is closed. (Until next year)

Results are posted below. Enjoy!


Our Winner!

Caption submitted by Soren Grenlie.

(Subway lunch with Mr. Snyder and Mr. Hutchison)

2nd Place

2nd Place

Caption submitted by Billy Myers.

(6 in sub winner)

3rd Place

3rd Place

Caption submitted by Brock Moen.

(6 in sub winner)

Honorable Mention

Honorable Mention (Teacher)

Caption submitted by Mrs. Sadowska.

Additional Caption Submissions

"That little piggy is coming with me!"- Hutch


I want it no I want it why are you two arguing over a stuffed pig whoever doesn't get it now can win another one for themselves see problem solved.

Nothing comes between me and my porky.

Bay of Pigs Invasion, April, 1961.

The final battle.

Average bacon enthusiast activity.

Snyder Vs Hutch who will win the bacon?

*When the doom music kicks in*

Bacon boy fights big buddy over a pink teddy bear.

Splitting bacon.

Its the pulled pork contest.

Ladies, ladies, please. There's enough pork for everyone.

Gosh darn it Hutch, let go! Only a Barney like me can like a pink stuffed animal like this. Go find some Bacon and hold onto it. This is mine!

Pullin' some Pork.

Just two great guys pulling some pork.

Hutch (Thinking to himself): I WANT THIS PIG!!!!!!

Snyder (Thinking to himself): In FIVE SECONDS I'm going to this guy if he doesn't let go!!!!

Ref (Thinking to himself): What in the H E double hockey sticks did I get myself into?

Snyder: Don´t take my bacon! Hutch: I found it first! Stuffed pig: Help!! Ref: Why are they fighting over a stuffed pig?

Sometimes, You will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.

The Big Guy and Hutch fight over a bear.

"There are two types of people in this world: the hungry and the hungrier" -Swine-lantis.

Statistically significant levels of physical activity.

Alright boys, lets make this a fair fight- remember, winner brings home the bacon!

The Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association recently reported the number of registered officials has declined by 39% since 2010 and is down 1,400 in just the past year. "We are in crisis mode," said WIAA assistant athletic director Kate Peterson Abiad. "I don't know why people aren't coming back after the pandemic ... well, actually, looking at this picture, I think we have a fairly good reason why. That poor pig."

Getting ready for breakfast tomorrow morning :(

That one annoying sibling that always tries to steal your toys.

Mr. Nelson watching Snyder and Hutch fight over "The favorite teacher" award.

Mr. Hutch thinking " What are the chances of there being two Pigs at Great America?"

Mr. Snyder thinking " When did Hutch become pink?"

Middle guy "I'm not being paid enough to care."

Stuffing might go flying!

Hutch: ¨Lil buddy you already have enough fluff, you don't need anymore¨ Snyder: "But pink is my color, not yours!"

"Mr. Snyder NOOOO don't' eat it!!"

Little do they know, that pig cannot make bacon.

We know the voices in our head aren't real , but sometimes their ideas are too good to ignore.

Two first class baconator chefs arguing which is better, crunchy or crispy bacon.

Mr. Snyder; The bear is mine. Mr. Hutch; No, it belongs to me. Referee; May the national tug a bear championship began with the bear being the prize.

Referee:" Whoever has the beefiest bacon will win the Baconator pig.

Mr. Snyder:" Let go Hutch I clearly am bigger and have bigger bacon than you!"

Mr. Hutchison:" No I have bigger bacon than you!"

Carnival worker: They do know the bacon isn't real, right??

Hutch: Lil buddy I'm so hungry, I don't know which one of these pigs looks better.

Snyder: Oh man I look way better in this outfit then he does.

Worker: I swear these people are crazier than the people that dressed up like a fairy and made me take the picture.

Two guys dueling to cook the stuffed bear