
Can you provide a caption for the image above? Go ahead! Give us your best caption and win a lunch (Subway) with Mr. Snyder and Mr. Hutchison

The caption contest is closed. (Until next year)

Results are posted below. Enjoy!


Our Winner!

Caption submitted by Connor Drath.

(Subway lunch with Mr. Snyder and Mr. Hutchison)

2nd Place

2nd Place

Caption submitted by Olivia Schustek.

(6 in sub winner)

3rd Place

3rd Place

Caption submitted by Joe Makovec.

(6 in sub winner)

Honorable Mention

Honorable Mention (Student)

Caption submitted by Justin Gilliard.

Honorable Mention

Honorable Mention (Student)

Caption submitted by Andrew Hoyord.

Honorable Mention

Honorable Mention (Teacher)

Caption submitted by Mrs. Wennesberg.

Additional Caption Submissions

Who needs math and physics when there is magic!

Fairy prince Snyder vs. the X Flight.

When Dad said we've been on this ride enough times already, but you just want one more ride........

It's ok Mr. Snyder you'll pass fairy high-school some day

(Snyder): Can We Go On There Next?

(Hutch): Let's Be Honest. We Need Funnel Cake First.

Todd that's the wrong spell! It's supposed to turn into a funnel cake!?

Snyder: Today i'm going to fly like a fairy princess, my dream comes true today.

Hutch: But you know whats better than that??

Snyder: What??

Hutch: The food court that right around the corner.

Snyder: Your right my dream can wait.

A fairy named Todd Snyder meets Thomas Hutchison outside X-Flight at Great America in Illinois.

See Hutch, with a little bit of fairy magic, I can make this ride go faster.

Mr. Snyder, fairy dust and physics don't mix well.

Woah there little buddy, you know you can't actually fly...

After many years, Mr. Snyder is finally old enough to start flight school

The fabled food fairy points Mr. Hutch towards the flight X ride, therefore he can puke to eat more food.

Snyder: wait that doesn't say 'food court'

Hutch: it's okay, don't cry

Snyder: And with the wave of my wand and the flick of wrist, this rollercoaster is now a funnel cake

Hutch: there is a god!

Let me go, let me go, you can't hold me back anymore!

There...there...Mr. Snyder, it's okay to let your inner fairy out!

BREAKING: man-child breaks down X-Flight due to weight restrictions and attempts to use magic to fix it.

S: I want to go on that ride!!

H: Those rides have weight restrictions, I don't think you're heavy enough yet!

Sorry little buddy, but I don't think those wings are big enough to lift you off the ground.

Hutch: Come on Snyder, you can't keep doing this man. Your childhood dreams are over. Take that costume off you look ridiculous. What if your wife was here? Not to mention you're scaring the kids. You can't get that 5th helping of funnel cakes with the whipped topping if we get kicked out now, can you? Let's go buddy, we can try again next year....Maybe.

I want to fly!!!- Snyder

Take me with- Hutch

Some times dreams are only dreams, even if you have the right materials.

Hutch: Well, you got your wings, have a good day buddy!

Snyder: I'm so glad you let me go to flight school! Thanks pops.

Hutch: *Under Breath* Snyder flying, as if physics don't even exist!

SNYDER: I wish that one day I could fit in one of those roller coaster seats...

HUTCH: Wishes don't always come true, well I'll seeya after I'm done with the ride.

Easy little buddy, this is not the pixie dust tree and you are no fairy!

No, my darling, this is tu-tu much. We mustn't fly off together, declared Hutch.