
Can you provide a caption for the image above? Go ahead!

Give us your best caption and win a lunch (Subway) with Mr. Snyder and Mr. Hutchison.

The caption contest is closed. (Until next year)

Results are posted below. Enjoy!


Our Winner!

Caption submitted by Brynn Rasmussen

(Subway lunch with Mr. Snyder and Mr. Hutchison)

2nd Place

2nd Place

Caption submitted by Caleb Loken

(6 in sub winner)

3rd Place

3rd Place

Caption submitted by Scotty Aasen

(6 in sub winner)

Honorable Mention (Student)

Honorable Mention (Student)

Caption submitted by Hana Buttles

Honorable Mention (Student)

Honorable Mention (Student)

Caption submitted by Michael Schaefer

Honorable Mention (Faculty)

Honorable Mention (Faculty)

Caption submitted by Alex Bong

Honorable Mention (Faculty)

Honorable Mention (Faculty)

Caption submitted by Laura Scott

Honorable Mention (Faculty)

Honorable Mention (Faculty)

Caption submitted by Tammy Bauer

Additional Caption Submissions

When there's free donuts...

After being lost for hours, Mr. Snyder and Mr. Hutchison returned to their natural, feral state.

I regret nothing!

Mr. Snyder and Hutch had a fun night out.

Deputy: So what happened here officer?

Officer: Well kid, it looks like this to strapping gentlemen found some funnel cakes in the trash. Little did they know they were out side of a drug house and the cakes were actually powdered with cocaine.

Deputy: Are people really that stupid?

Officer: Naw kid, just that hungry.

Just play it cool Tom, for all they know it's powdered sugar!

When the wives are away, the donuts come out.

Death by Bliss: A Journalist's Harrowing Journey into the Depths of the Gluttonous Consumption Habits of American Subculture.

(Credit) Photo Taken By Amy Zing Jhornalist. Copyright 2016

Who knew getting rid of evidense would taste this good!

SN Hutch, remember that one tim.......

HU Shhhhhhh, do you hear that?

SN What do you hear?

HU Who's talking right now?

SN No one is talking, what are you talking about?'

HU OMG, what are saying? I can read your thoughts. Okay quick think of something and I'll tell you what I read.

SN (In his head) You are suck an imbecile.

HU Okay I'm getting something......Is it 'You think I look good right?'

SN Yeahhhhh sure, something like that......Now pass the rest over her, lets keep eating these Puffs!

Eating so much you can die happy

EVERYONE HIDE!!! It's the horrid kill of the pancakes.

#SchoolLunches #OnlyAtIola

Catharsis: A release of emotional tension, often found through music, art, and/or funnel cakes.

We had an incident in the town of Iola today. Where there were two causation males found dead. Autopsy report concludes they died from digestion failure after eating 5 lbs. of jelly filled doughnuts... They died happy at least.

Double Homocide at the Fair...Iola police find footprints in powdered sugar trail! Rumors say the prints lead right back to the funnel cake stand...

Desert Flour Death Scene!

Help! I've funneled and I can't get up!

Who mixed etorphine with the powdered sugar?

the great floury dowry dessert disaster

Terrorists, Armed with Danishes, Claim Two of Iola's Finest.

A powdered sugar accident leaves two Iola-Scandinavia teachers dead.

Two men stuffed to the end of the American life

Go Mr Snyder and Mr Hutchinson ate all the food you can

Suspect on the right appears to be in a happy coma, and suspect on the left appears to be half dead. Both have been convicted of one of the most serious felonies of our generation. Funnel cake theft.

Sentence: Up to 2 months of community service; with a minimum of 2 HOURS of exercise each day.

Let this be a lesson to all of you.

We should get out of here, they're probably going to explode soon.

Hutch: So this is coming out of that big science fund you got right?

Snyder: Don't worry each student payed 37 cents more than the actual price so I got it covered.

Snyder: Mmmm! I think Einstein would want me to have one more...

Hutch: (Thinking to self)C'mon little buddy, hang in there... I feel as rotten as a kicked puppy.. Which reminds me, I still have those Calc. tests to grade...

Oh no they've gone into a doughnut coma........

Nurse get me a coffee IV stat!!!!!

So this is what haven fells like Ahhhhhh.

Snyder: Huh did you see there faces?

Hutch: Haha yeah they were expecting us this time!

When the funnel cakes get the best of you

*thought bubble* Snyder: Need more funnel cakes..

*speaking bubble* Hutch: SO worth it..

BREAKING NEWS: Plump Professors Persecuted for Pilfering Pounds of Powdered Pastries

When your parents walk into your room and ask what all the noise was

Snyder: Hey Hutch, what do you get when you combine the two exercises Lunge and Crunch?

Hutch: What?


When your wife asks if you can leave work early, but you have work to do.

These two are geniuses, they got a ton of funnel cakes and then put up crime scene tape to keep people away from them while they slept. Probably won't be long until they're ready for round two....... or 8.

I told you, Todd, we should have just gone bowling.

A man has GOT TO KNOW his limitations.

Just Keep Eating, Just Keep Eating, Just...Keep....

His last words were Hoochie Koo.

When Hutch and Snyder take a cheat day on their diets.