Maundene Weekly


Friday 5th May 2023

"Only in the darkness can you see the stars" - Martin Luther King, Jr

Dear Parents/Carers, 

We hope you had a lovely bank holiday weekend!

On Tuesday, Year 4 used Purple Mash to create a leaflet about keeping teeth healthy during their RSHE lesson. They demonstrated their understanding about how to maintaining good dental health and used images and key vocabulary.  

Year 5 had swimming on Wednesday and they were extremely excited about further developing their skills from last week. In the morning on Wednesday, the children had Celebration Assembly where certificates were handed out for Star of the Week, TTRS (Times Table Rock Stars) and Pen Licence certificates. In the afternoon, Year 2 enjoyed learning cricket skills in their PE lessons and Year R were using unifix cubes within their maths provision to support them with their counting in twos. 

To celebrate the pending coronation of King Charles III, with the help of the PTA, we hosted a street party at lunchtime in Friday! Our wonderful PTA decorated the outside environment for the children and the fabulous kitchen staff provided a ‘picnic’ lunch. We also welcomed a local councilor, Robbie Lammas, during this event too! The children wore their own clothes (red, white and blue) and continued with their celebrations in the afternoon in class through Coronation activities with their friends. In addition to this, Year R had their parents in for 'Reading with your Child'. Thank you to so many parents, carers and other family members for attending this session as it means a lot to the children.

We hope you have another wonderful long week. We will see the Maundene Community back on Tuesday 9th May 2023.

Miss Capes, Mrs Jackson and the Maundene Team

Parent Survey

In the parent survey, you said...

You would like additional after school clubs for children to access

We have...

Star of the Week

A huge WELL DONE to all children who achieved Star of the Week. Maundene are proud of you! 


Mason D


Erin S


George J 


Minnie D  


Jacob C


Harlie P 


 Thomas D


 Nathan J


Millie B 


Strawberry P 


Harman R


Poppy B 


Nelly S


Conor D

Key Messages

Spare Clothes

If any parents have any of the spare following clothes that you would be willing to donate, please could you give them into the Office:

We are especially in need of sizes: 4-5, 5-6 and 6-7.

In addition to this, if children are sent home in spare clothes please can they be returned to school so that we can continue to use them as spares.

PTA UV Discos 

The PTA UV Discos will be taking place on Friday 19th May with timings as follows -

Year R and Year 1 - 3.30pm - 4.15pm

Year 2 and Year 3 - 4.30pm - 5.30pm 

Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 - 6pm - 7pm 

Sports Day 

Sports Day is to take place on Tuesday 27th June with timings as follows -

KS2 - AM 

EYFS & KS1 - PM 

The exact timings for the day will be confirmed nearer to the time. 

Key Dates  

Monday 8th May

Bank holiday 

Tuesday 9th May

Year 6 SATs 

Year R Creepy Claws Workshop 

Wednesday 10th May

Year 6 SATs 

Thursday 11th May

Year 6 SATs

Friday 12th May

Year 6 SATs 

Monday 15th May 

Year 6 SATs Fun Day 

Thursday 18th May 

Swans Class Assembly - 9.00am 

Friday 19th May

Finches Class assembly - 9.00am 

Year 4 reading with your child - 2.55pm  

PTA UV Glow Discos -

Year R and Year 1 - 3.30pm - 4.15pm

Year 2 and Year 3 - 4.30pm - 5.30pm 

Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 - 6pm - 7pm 

Thursday 25th May

Year 3 learning exhibition - 2.00pm & 2.30pm (Class times TBC) 

Friday 26th May

Falcons Class Assembly - 9.00am 

End of Term 5 

Tuesday 6th June 

Year 3 British Museum Trip 

Tuesday 27th June 

Sports Day 

KS2 - AM 

KS1 & EYFS - PM 


Our whole school attendance this week is


Doves - 96%

Kingfishers - 88%

Finches - 98%

Kestrels - 98% 

Robins - 95%

Blackbirds - 96%

Woodpeckers - 97%

Falcons - 98%

Owls - 99%

Ravens - 96%

Swans - 98%

Jays -  94%

Ospreys - 98%

Eagles - 94% 



Finley B 













Harry M 


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