Maundene Weekly


Friday 21st April 2023

Life is like a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving" - Albert Einstein

Dear Parents/Carers, 

Year 6 commenced their learning this term by participating in a debate about who they believe deserves to have a heart transplant. This debate was a part of their English core text, 'Pig Heart Boy'. Year R loved exploring different animals and their habitats, linked to their core text, 'Where's the Elephant?'. The children found animal footprints and even created some of their own by using animals and paint in the creative area. In the afternoon, Year 3 started their Design and Technology learning which focused on mechanisms. The children will be making an Egyptian Shaduf and following the DT process (design, make evaluate) to do so, therefore they are very excited about their learning this term.

On Tuesday, Year 1 had an engaging maths lesson which started focusing on exploring multiplication of 2, 5 and 10. The children used bead strings, counters and other equipment to support them counting in groups. In addition to this, Year R had had a fantastic first balance bikes session. They learnt about keeping safe whilst riding and how to follow instructions with teachers from Greenacre.

Year 5 had swimming on Wednesday. The children were extremely excited about attending swimming and further developing their skills from last year. Well done Year 5! In the morning on Wednesday, the children had Celebration Assembly where certificates were handed out for Star of the Week, TTRS (Times Table Rock Stars) and Pen Licence certificates.

On Thursday, Year 2 continued their learning about fractions. They focused on identifying the numerator and denominator in a fraction and they then used cubes and shared them into equal groups. 

On Friday, Year 5 had their Learning with your Child morning which focused on writing. The children showcased their writing ability by uplevelling their vocabulary through the books they read and demonstrating how they can embed their grammar knowledge into their writing. 

Thank you to so many parents/carers who attended MANGO lunches this week. The children loved inviting you into the school and eating their lunch with you!

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Capes, Mrs Jackson and the Maundene Team

WOW Moments!


Isla-Rose in Blackbirds made a very brave decision to cut her hair and is donating it to make wigs for children, young people and adults with cancer. What a wonderful thing to do - Maundene are so proud of you! There is a fundraising box in the office if you would like to donate money. 

Ice skating 

Sophie-Jane achieved her grade 4 in ice skating. Well done Sophie-Jane for working so hard to achieve this. 


Pearl achieved a trophy for her effort in football! Well done Pearl, you have clearly demonstrated resilience and perseverance to achieve this! 

Star of the Week

A huge WELL DONE to all children who achieved Star of the Week. Maundene are proud of you! 


Martha S


Rosie S


Aria L


Esmarie P


Isabella V


Sophie-Jane O


James W


Avani B


Delia B


Sarah D


Lexi W


Elizabeth I


 Fletcher M


Violet C

Key Messages

Parent/Carer Survey (Academic Year 2022/2023

 At the heart of our schools, and Trust, lie our values. Therefore, working in collaboration with our parent community is really important to us. We believe that working in partnership and developing positive relationships with our families will have a positive impact on the outcomes for our children.


With this being said, we would ask for your support in completing a parent survey which can be accessed on this link:


The closing date for responses is Friday 21st April. Your help in completing this form is very important to us at Maundene. We are very keen to keep improving our offer for our children and families so your voice is important – as well as celebrate what makes Maundene the amazing community we are! Please note that we will treat all responses in the strictest confidence. 


Thank you for your help.

Coronation Picnic Lunch - 5.5.23

To celebrate the pending coronation of King Charles III, with the help of the PTA, we will be hosting a street party at lunchtime on Friday 5th May. Our wonderful PTA will decorate the outside environment for the children and the fabulous kitchen staff will offer a ‘picnic’ lunch which can be eaten outside (weather permitting). We will also be welcoming local councilor Robbie Lammas during this event too! The children can wear their own clothes (red, white and blue) and they will continue their celebrations in the afternoon in class through Coronation activities with their friends.

Spare Clothes

If any parents have any of the spare following clothes that you would be willing to donate, please could you give them into the Office:

We are especially in need of sizes: 4-5, 5-6 and 6-7.

In addition to this, if children are sent home in spare clothes please can they be returned to school so that we can continue to use them as spares.

Local elections in England in May 2023

Elections in England are scheduled to be held on Thursday 4th May and therefore Maundene will be a Polling Station. The school will be closed for all children in Yr R - Year 5. The school will be open for all Year 6 children.

Sports Day 

Sports Day is to take place on Tuesday 27th June with timings as follows -

KS2 - AM 

EYFS & KS1 - PM 

The exact timings for the day will be confirmed nearer to the time. 

Key Dates  

Thursday 27th April 

Doves Class closed for strike action 

Friday 28th April 

Year 4 Learning with your child - 9.00am 

Monday 1st May 

Bank holiday 

Tuesday 2nd May 

Possible strike date - Classes to be confirmed 

Wednesday 3rd May

Year R - Creepy Claws workshop 

Thursday 4th May 

Polling day - The school will be closed for all children in Yr R - Year 5. The school will be open for all Year 6 children.

Friday 5th May 

Swans Class Assembly - 9.00am

Coronation Picnic Lunch 

Year R Reading with your child - 2.50pm  

Monday 8th May

Bank holiday 

Tuesday 9th May

Year 6 SATs 

Wednesday 10th May

Year 6 SATs 

Thursday 11th May

Year 6 SATs

Friday 12th May

Year 6 SATs 

Friday 19th May

Finches Class assembly - 9.00am 

Year 4 reading with your child - 2.55pm  

Thursday 25th May

Year 3 learning exhibition - 2.00pm & 2.30pm (Class times TBC) 

Friday 26th May

Falcons Class Assembly - 9.00am 

End of Term 5 

Tuesday 27th June 

Sports Day 

KS2 - AM 

KS1 & EYFS - PM 


Our whole school attendance this week is


Doves - 93%

Kingfishers - 95%

Finches - 94%

Kestrels - 97% 

Robins - 99%

Blackbirds - 97%

Woodpeckers - 98%

Falcons - 92%

Owls - 99%

Ravens - 97%

Swans - 97%

Jays -  98%

Ospreys - 97%

Eagles - 98% 



Jace P 





Jacob C 



Harrison E 







Maisie C 


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