Reflecting on Belonging.pdf

I want to feel connected to and valued by those around me.                       

Belonging is our psychological need to love and care for others and to believe that we are loved and cared for in family relationships, friendships, and working relationships. To belong, we must connect with people by cooperating, caring, sharing, and being involved. 

This Hooray for Monday blog post by Aleta Margolis explores the importance of belonging and includes a reflection exercise that can help you identify the communities that provide belonging in your life. 

You can fill out the reflection sheet below and be emailed a copy of your responses, or you can download this printable version to write on by hand.  

If you're feeling like your need for belonging is a long way from being met, it's useful to remember the helpful little word, "yet." This Instigator of Thought Challenge encourages you to see what happens when you put "yet" at the end of your struggles. 

Small Steps to Greater Belonging - A Reflection

There are lots of ways our sense of belonging can be bolstered - even with small steps.

Give yourself 3 minutes to list communities you are part of - listing as many as you can. Consider:

Pause for a moment. It’s worth simply noting how many communities you belong to. Even communities we may take for granted (the street I live on comes to mind) count. 

Next, choose one of the communities to which you belong. Ask yourself:

The simple act of considering these questions - for one community or for all of them - can build connection, and help meet the need for belonging. And it may turn out that some communities truly bring value, and merit more of our time and energy, while some may not serve our needs as much as they once did. That learning is useful too.