Delce Academy
Year 3
Curriculum Newsletter
Respect Kindness Honesty Perseverance Collaboration Responsibility
Summer 1: "Power and Governance"
In English, we will be...
Reading ‘The Accidental Prime Minister’ by Tom McLaughlin.
Creating reference chains to describe characters.
Exploring features of news articles.
Comparing direct and indirect speech and changing sentences between them.
Writing our own newspaper report about an event from our core text.
Reflecting on our outcome through peer and self-assessment.
In History, we will be...
Investigating the physical and human features of Egypt.
Using a timeline to order dates.
Exploring the role of Pharaohs and Egyptian Queens.
Researching Cleopatra and Hatshepsut.
Identifying different structures of authority.
Comparing governance in Ancient Egypt to modern day.
In Maths, we will be...
Looking at time and different ways this can be shown.
Identifying o’clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to on analogue and digital clocks.
Telling the time to 1-minute intervals and measuring time in seconds.
Exploring Roman numerals.
Identifying acute, right and obtuse angles in our environments by going on an angle hunt.
Exploring various features of shapes, such as vertical, horizontal, parallel and perpendicular lines.
Comparing 2D and 3D shapes.
In Science this term, we will be...
Generating scientific questions to develop our understanding of light.
Exploring how light travels through different objects.
Understanding the impact of changing variables in a scientific investigation.
Investigating how light is reflected.
Making shadow puppets to show how shadows are formed and investigating how shadows change.
In Art, we will be:
Producing a mood board based on an artist.
Producing stretches based on the stylings of Clare Haxby.
Applying depth to objects using a range of techniques.
Combining drawing materials to create different effects.
Designing a final sketch.
Assessing their work.
In French, we will be...
Exploring vocabulary for fruit and vegetables in French.
Understanding the difference between singular and plural.
Using j’aime and je voudrais in a sentence.
Asking questions and give opinions in French.
In Reading, we will be exploring the children's reading fluency. In Summer 1, the children were assessed for their reading ages which has supported us in putting them into their fluency groups. These will be assessed later in Summer 2. These fluency lessons allow the children to access books and unpick them with discussions and written questions.
In RE, we will be...
Identifying the main values of Christianity.
Exploring the teaching of the bible.
Demonstrating an understanding of Gospels.
Understanding the teachings of Jesus.
Exploring the importance of The Ten Commandments.
In R.H.E, we will be...
Beginning to understand the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Understanding the responsibilities of both children and adults to help all children benefit from their rights.
Understanding the environmental benefits of recycling.
Understanding the groups that make up the community.
Understanding that charities care for others and how people can support them.
Understanding why we have rules and the consequences of breaking rules at school and at home.
Home Learning
At Delce Academy we encourage our children to:
Read every evening and record this in their reading record
Learn their spellings for the week
Practice their Times Tables daily using TTRS or the worksheet provided
There will also be 6 home learning activities set for the term. These activity ideas are optional but we advise your encouragement as it will further support your child in continuing their love of learning outside of the classroom. Your child can complete as many of the activities as they would like and bring their work in to share with their class.
Timetable Rockstars and Number Bots
This is available for the children to play on to practise their timetables and number bots using Number bots
Children will change at school so please ensure children have an appropriate sports kit for the weather. PE days for individual classes will be sent home via Arbor.