Respect       Kindness       Honesty       Perseverance       Collaboration       Responsibility

Delce news from the Headteacher

Greatness is built on the words, "I can try." 


Dear Parents and Carers, 

I would like to extend my warmest welcome back to school after the refreshing summer holidays. It brings me immense joy to see all of your smiling faces. I'm thrilled to share that the first three days of our new school year have been an outstanding success, and I couldn't be prouder of each and every one of you. We know that the first days of school can be emotional but we are so proud of staff and parents demonstrating resilience and adaptability in the face of challenges and changes during these initial days have been truly remarkable. 

I'm excited to embark on this new academic journey with you, and together, we will continue to foster our culture of togetherness and celebrate our wonderful school community. Let's work together to make the rest of the school year even better than these first three days.

Our value for this term is Respect and we have seen so many wonderful examples of upholding this in our community. 

Best wishes,

Ms Stevens 

‘At Delce We Do Belong’

Loni Stevens, Headteacher, 2023

I’m starting a new venture,

I hope you’re glad of me!

I’m the new Head Teacher,

Of Delce Academy.

I’ve read the Ofsted reports, 

I’ve visited your school;

I’ve spoken to you children, 

I’ve researched it all.

Delce is my sole focus,

And without any confusion;

My first and foremost goal,

Is to promote inclusion.

To have a school of children,

Who are so accepting;

Of differences and needs, 

And always respecting.

Supporting one another,

Cheering classmates on;

Being bound with the mantra,

That ‘At Delce We Do Belong.’

My aim’s to build a culture,

Of children who are proud;

To be part of Delce and know,

That slacking’s not allowed!

To know that working hard is just,

Something that’s essential!

And that every one of you,

Has limitless potential.

As your new Head Teacher,

It’s important you’re aware;

That if you need me any time,

I will always be there.

You are my priority,

You’re my whole career. 

All the staff around agree;

You are why we’re here.

We have a lot of work to do,

Together as a team!

To make Delce what it ought to be,

A super school, supreme!

I pledge to do my very best,

To lead with the best formation. 

Which in turn will provide you with,

The very best education. 

I want you to see Delce as,

A second home to you.

A place that’s safe and full of staff,

Who are all rooting for you.

A place you all feel accepted, 

And loved for who you are.

Surrounded by adults who truly believe,

That you’re going to go far.

Every single one of you,

Belongs right here at Delce.

Inclusion is right at the heart,

Ahead of everything else. 

So now you’ve heard my vision,

My feelings are so strong!

We now have a brand new motto;

“At Delce We Do Belong”.

Our learning this week


Inventors have made a positive start to a new school year. They have worked relentlessly to learn the new structures and routines within the school day but also within the classroom. Well Done!   

Year 3

Well done to all year 3's for a fantastic start to their school year. They have impeccably shown the core value of respect through following the expectations at Delce. Miss Condon and Miss Stevens are very proud!

Year 4

Year 4 have had a fantastic first week back. They have shown our core value of perseverance whilst learning new routines and rules both within the classroom and around the school. Well done! 

Year 5

Year 5 have made a great start to the academic year. They have worked relentlessly to show their amazing presentation skills and have followed the new structures and routines of the school well and have settled excellently into their new classrooms. Well done!

Year 6

Year 6 have made a wonderful start to the new academic year.  They have worked tirelessly to show themselves as role models to the rest of the school, when learning and following the new structures and routines of the classroom and the school day. Keep it up!


The DEC have had a great start to the new academic year. Children have remembered rules and expectations and are working hard too on their self-regulation. The DEC children have enjoyed using the new, larger OT space.


We want to commend our students for their exemplary behaviour upon returning to school after the summer holidays. Their respect, responsibility, eagerness to learn, helpful attitude, adaptability, positive outlook, and gratitude have created a wonderful atmosphere in our school. We are proud of our students' conduct and look forward to a successful school year together. They all deserve a merit this week!

Key Messages

Our brand, new Year 3 have shown our value of Respect when lining up.

Our Celebration Assembly recognised children's efforts and commitment to upholding our values.  


We are excited to inform you that our Junior Leadership Team (JLT) will be organising the election for our new JLT members. This is a wonderful opportunity for the children to get involved in leadership roles within our school community. We encourage families to discuss this exciting opportunity at home. More details about the election process will be shared with families soon. We look forward to children's active participation and leadership contributions to our school. Together, we can accomplish great things!

Families urged to boost their back-to-school budget with Tax-Free Childcare.

With the new school term starting, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is reminding families to open a Tax-Free Childcare account today to save up to £2,000 per child on their yearly childcare bills. Please follow this link for more details.


September theme day!

Get ready for a buzzworthy dining experience! We're thrilled to announce our special Bee-Inspired Menu for school dinners, set to delight your taste buds on Thursday, September 28th.

Our cafeteria will be abuzz with delicious dishes inspired by these remarkable pollinators. Let's come together to savour the flavours of our bee-inspired menu!

Key dates

Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th - 11+ Medway Test


Wishing these children a Happy Birthday for birthdays the coming week!

Joan - Curie

Sewa - Goulding

Omar - Inventors

Daniel - Fleming

Charlie - Fleming

Zofia - Dickens

Elsa - Darwin


Good attendance at school is not just valuable, it's essential. 

Whole School

Well done to Jackson, Goulding & Rhodes Class! 

Inventors 86.2% 

Bell 99.2%

Jackson 100.0%

Wright 98.0%

Dyson 93.5%

Earhart 95.8%

Sharman 92.0%

Dickens 96.4%

Goulding 100.0%

Rhodes 100.0%

Adams 75.0%

Curie 93.0%

Darwin 93.1%

Fleming 97.3%

Useful Information

Parental conduct on the school grounds

It has come to our attention that there have been instances where some parents have not adhered to the school values of Kindness and Respect in and around the school grounds. We believe it is essential to address this matter urgently, as our collective behaviour significantly impacts the overall environment and the well-being of our students.

As parents, you play a vital role in shaping the culture and atmosphere within our school community. Therefore, we kindly remind you to prioritise the following values of Kindness and Respect:

Let us collectively reaffirm our commitment to fostering a culture of kindness and respect within our school community. We must work together to create an environment that nurtures the growth, well-being, and academic success of all our students.

We respectfully remind you that should our school expectations for appropriate school site behaviour not be met then this may result in a site ban.  Thank you for your cooperation in upholding these essential values.

Complaints procedures

At Delce we aim to meet our statutory obligations when responding to complaints from our parents. Parents should follow our Complaints Policy that explains the procedures that should be followed. 

Stage 1: Informal 

The complainant should raise the complaint as soon as possible with the relevant member of staff or the headteacher as appropriate, either in person or by letter, telephone or email. If the complainant is unclear who to contact or how to contact them, they should contact the school office.

If the complaint is not resolved informally, it will be escalated to a Stage 2 formal complaint. The school will maintain a log of informal complaints and review this on a termly basis.

Stage 2: Formal 

If the issue cannot be resolved through informal action the complainant should inform the headteacher in writing. This letter will be acknowledged within three working days. Formal complaints must be reported the local governing body. The local governing body must then be kept informed about progress and outcomes. This letter should provide details such as relevant dates, times, and the names of witnesses of events, alongside copies of any relevant documents. The complainant should also state what they feel would resolve the complaint. 

For more details visit our website.    

Useful Links 01634 845242 Twitter: @delceacademy1