Respect     Collaboration      Kindness      Perseverance      Honesty      Responsibility

Delce news from the Headteacher

Dear Parents and Carers

It's been another whirlwind week here at Delce, packed with exciting activities and achievements!

We were thrilled to host a circus skills workshop, an experience made possible by the funding from Sport England and the organisation by Medway Plus charity. Our children had an absolute blast, honing their circus talents and creating memories to cherish.

Our after-school clubs have been buzzing with energy, offering a diverse range of sports, arts, and other engaging activities. A huge shout-out to our boys' football team for exemplifying sportsmanship and dedication on the field. Thank you to all the adults who came out to spectate and support this event—it truly means the world to our young athletes.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the parents who joined us for the Triple P workshop. Your involvement and support are invaluable in creating a strong partnership between home and school. I encourage everyone to stay updated with our key dates and explore Mr. Palmer's section for more details on upcoming events and initiatives.

Just as our children are constantly learning and growing, our teachers are also dedicated to enhancing their skills. During our weekly CPD sessions, they've been hard at work crafting engaging learning journeys tailored to our children's needs and interests.

I'd like to take a moment to commend our pupil leadership teams for their unwavering dedication and continuous support in ensuring that Delce remains a happy and safe environment for all our children. Your contributions are truly appreciated.

As we look ahead to the coming weeks, let's continue to foster a spirit of collaboration, growth, and excellence within our school community.

'At Delce We Do Belong'

Our Core Value this term: PERSEVERANCE 

Owning Our Choices

In a school where children play,

Learning and laughter fill each day.

But amidst the fun, there's a golden rule,

Of taking ownership, and staying cool.

When we make choices, big or small,

It's up to us, we stand tall.

For every action, there's a consequence,

We hold the power, it makes sense.

If we disrupt, or cause a fuss,

It's on our shoulders, that's the plus.

But when we choose kindness, respect, and care,

We create a classroom beyond compare.

So let's remember, as we roam,

Our behaviour shapes our home.

Take ownership, let's do what's right,

In school and life, it's a guiding light.

For when we own our choices, true,

We pave the way for others too.

Let's walk with honour, stand up tall,

And be the change, for one and all.

To promote our core value of HONESTY, we would like to invite our Delce family to read a story together at home. 

This week’s recommendation is: My Way to Good Choices

Melissa is a sweet little girl who often struggles to make the right choice. When one of her thoughtless actions makes her brother cry, Melissa understands the importance of her decisions. Her dad offers some truly insightful advice to help her deal with her impulsive reactions. Join Melissa on this journey and discover the power of making good choices.

You can also sing along at home with our HONESTY SONG

Our Learning 

Get ready to embark on a journey through the learning achievements and activities of the week. From captivating classroom discoveries to inspiring moments of creativity, there's so much to admire and enjoy. 

Let's dive in together and revel in the joy of learning!


Inventors have looked at continuous line drawings this week to aid them in thinking about how to model a wire to create an Olympic Pose ready for us to finish next week with clay before painting. 

Year 3

This week in Year 3, the children were presenting their manifestos with the class as to how they would like to change the playground. 

Year 4

This week, Year 4 have worked hard at writing our balanced argument discussing whether August Pullman should attend Beecher Prep school. We were able to use our learning of modal verbs and causal conjunctions to make our writing successful.

Year 5

Year 5 have been diving into the intriguing history of the Victorian era, focusing their attention on the fascinating topic of crime and punishment. Through in-depth research and computing skills, they have carefully crafted fact files that illuminate the societal norms and legal systems of the time.

Year 6

This week within Art, Year 6 were experimenting with contrasting colours inspired by the Fauvism movement. We used a range of mediums including oil pastels, chalk and watercolours. 


This week, Jackson Class have enjoyed choosing seeds and planting them. We are excited to watch them grow. Adams class have also enjoyed sewing designs on to their cushions this week. 

Presentation Trophy 

This special section is dedicated to showcasing some outstanding examples of children's presentations and the progress that some of them have made from the starting point earlier in the year. Join us as we celebrate their hard work, creativity, and dedication to delivering top-notch presentations. Let's applaud their achievements and be inspired by their excellence! 

Record of Achievement 

 Well done to all the children who received a merit today!!!

Inventors: Briana, Kiki and Levi (Bell)

Bell: Sophia T and Daniel H 

Wright: Mohammed and Lonimi

Jackson: Logan-Louis

Adams: Ruby

Dyson: Joseph and Sawen

Earhart: Kacper and Owen

Sharman: Riyon and Harry

Rhodes: Jesse and Olivia

Dickens: Jack and Lois

Goulding: Archie and Mustafa

Curie: KingDavid and Tare

Fleming: Tobi, Chyna and Leah

Darwin:  Sounak 


Why Uniform Matters at Delce Academy!

At Delce, we believe in the power of uniforms for many reasons. First and foremost, uniforms foster a sense of belonging and identity within our school community. When all our children are dressed alike, it creates a cohesive environment where they feel connected to one another and to our school's values.

But the benefits don't stop there. Uniforms also lower the pressure of peer comparison, sparing children from worrying about their attire and allowing them to focus on their learning and relationships instead. By removing the emphasis on fashion trends, we ease the financial burden on families and promote equality among children.

Additionally, adhering to a uniform policy eliminates the risk of children feeling singled out or ostracised for not conforming to dress norms. This proactive approach prevents unnecessary conflicts and ensures a more inclusive environment for all.

As some of our children prepare for the transition to secondary school, enforcing uniform standards instils important habits that will serve them well in their future academic endeavours. Let's continue to support our children in embracing the importance of wearing the correct uniform each day!

A message from Mr Minlah...

Circus Skills Workshop

This week, 30 children from years 2-6 were chosen to take part in a circus skills workshop delivered by Medway Plus. The workshops were fully funded by Sport England. The children learned how to perform a variety of circus skills, including, juggling, spinning a plate on a stick and stick twirling. All of the children had a fantastic time and were eager for the workshop to be repeated at the school.


JLT Update: Read-a-Thon Results and Exciting Plans Ahead!

This week, our Junior Leadership Team (JLT) convened to discuss the latest updates on our Read-a-Thon competition. In a fierce battle of words, Rhodes class emerged victorious, claiming the top spot over Earhart class. Congratulations, Rhodes!

The competition is heating up, and the stakes are high. The winning class will enjoy a thrilling array of sports activities and a delightful picnic with Mr. Minlah at the end of term. Keep those pages turning if you want to be in with a chance to win!

In addition to the Read-a-Thon, the JLT delved into plans for their upcoming initiative. Excitement filled the room as they finalized details and made preparations to bring their vision to life.

Furthermore, the JLT decided to dedicate an extra week to perfecting their upcoming assembly. Their commitment to excellence ensures that every presentation is delivered flawlessly.

Stay tuned for more updates from our dedicated Junior Leadership Team!

Anti-Bullying Ambassadors 


At Delce, we stand united against bullying in all its forms. Bullying hurts and harms, and it has no place in our school community. We are committed to creating a safe and nurturing environment where every child feels valued, respected, and supported.

We will be working closely with our children and the entire community to educate them on the dangers of bullying. Through open discussions, workshops, and ongoing support, we will empower our children with the knowledge and skills to stand up to bullying and support one another. For more information, please follow this link for our Anti-Bullying Policy that is a guiding framework for our efforts to prevent bullying and support those affected by it. 

Together, we will foster a culture of kindness, empathy, and inclusivity, where every child can thrive and reach their full potential.

STOP red boxes allow the children to place their worries and concerns in them. They are located across the school and checked daily by Mr. Minlah and Mr. Bower, and any concerns posted are responded to promptly by our dedicated pastoral team.





Is it Banter or Bullying? 

In our ongoing efforts to foster a safe and respectful school environment, it's crucial to understand the distinction between bullying and banter. While both involve interactions between individuals, they differ significantly in their nature and impact.

Bullying is characterised by repetitive, intentional, and harmful behaviour that is intended to intimidate, hurt, or exclude someone. It often involves a power imbalance, where the bully wants to control the other person, causing emotional or physical distress.

On the other hand, banter refers to playful or teasing remarks exchanged between children in a lighthearted manner. It is typically mutual and enjoyed by everybody involved, contributing to positive social interactions and camaraderie.

As we promote kindness and empathy within our school community, it's essential for children to recognise the difference between banter and bullying. 

Let's work together to ensure that all interactions at Delce are characterised by kindness, understanding, and mutual respect.

Anti-Racist and  Anti-Bullying Ambassadors

This week, the anti-racist and anti-bullying ambassadors visited every class in the school to discuss what we as a school can do to tackle any bullying or unkindness which may happen at Delce Academy. The children received some great feedback and ideas which they will be sharing with Miss Stevens. The ambassadors also made all the children aware that they will be on the playground every break and lunchtimes wearing hi visibility waistcoats, ready to help, if any children need support in solving any issues they may have with their peers.

Friends of Delce Academy

Join Us for FUDGE: Celebrating male parents and carers at Delce!

After the resounding success of our MANGO event, we are eagerly awaiting its counterpart, FUDGE!

MANGO was an incredible celebration, filled with joy and camaraderie as we honoured the important role of mothers and female carers in our children's lives. Now, it's time to celebrate the equally significant male role models in our community.

We cordially invite male parents, carers and guardians to join us for FUDGE, a special event dedicated to celebrating fathers, grandfathers, uncles, brothers, and all father figures. This event is made possible by the dedicated efforts of the Friends of Delce, who work tirelessly to enhance our school community.

Save the date and stay tuned for more details on FUDGE. Let's come together to celebrate the wonderful men who play a vital role in shaping the lives of our children.

This will be available to book via Arbor from Monday 6th May at 10am. 

Family and Community Information 

 Important Notice: Ensuring School Safety Together! 

We need to address a concerning issue that has been brought to our attention. It has come to our notice that older siblings of some of our children are gathering outside the school gates at pick-up time and engaging in vaping.

As a school committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all our children, we kindly ask for your support in addressing this matter. Vaping not only poses health risks but also sets a negative example for our younger children.

We urge all parents, guardians, and community members to help us spread awareness about the importance of maintaining a smoke-free and vape-free zone around our school premises. Let's work together to ensure the well-being and safety of our children.

Thank you for your cooperation and support in upholding our school values.

Getting ready for SATs

As previously communicated, SATs week will run for the Year 6's from Monday 13th May 2024 to Thursday 16th May 2024. They will be tested on their knowledge of Reading, Maths and Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar. Over these four days, we firmly encourage all Year 6 students to come to school for a SATS Breakfast from 08:00 each day to fuel the brain and ease any anxieties, to ensure the best performance possible. Our breakfast is free and is offered to every child in Year 6. Breakfast includes: pastries, croissants, cereal bars, biscuits, fruit and juice.

 Exciting Collaboration Alert! 

We are thrilled to announce a dynamic partnership between Delce Academy and Crest Infant and Nursery School!  As we gear up for the transition of the Year 2 children into our Year 3, Miss Seales from Crest Infant and Nursery School recently paid a visit to Delce to meet with Miss Stevens. Our collaborative efforts aim to ensure a smooth and seamless transition for our new Year 3 children come September.

Congratulations to Hadley for his Success in the Subbuteo Tournament!

We are delighted to share some exciting news with you all! Hadley has achieved a remarkable feat by securing 2nd place in the 'Under 20 years' category at the recent Subbuteo tournament. 

Congratulations once again, Hadley! Your hard work and determination have paid off, and we are incredibly proud of you.

Holfast have an exciting opportunity for all Delce children. 

They are asking children to participate in their annual environmental competition, to showcase Holdfasts amazing displays of sustainable development. 

For more information please see the poster sent out via arbor or speak with Miss Condon. 



Well done to Inventors, Dyson, Goulding and Jackson Class

Jackson    96.36%

Inventors    97.14%

        Bell        94.48%

Wright      93.92%

Dyson     97.14%

Earhart     93.45%

Sharman      87.67%

Adams     72%

Dickens      94.81%

Goulding      97.14%

Rhodes     96.43%

Curie     95.67%

Darwin      97.50%

Fleming      96.67%


A message from our SENCO, Mr Palmer...

Mr. Palmer's Parent Drop Ins 

Each week Mr. Palmer will be available 9am-10am every Friday in 15 minute slots to discuss any concerns.

If you would like one of the 15 Minute Slots to discuss something, please use the QR code below to access the booking system. 

Mr Palmer's Top Tip this week!

Does your child struggle to express and use a variety of language? Make sure you express clearly activities they are doing as this will help them gain vocabulary as well as making them feel proud of their acheivements in activities. 

Parent workshop

This week, we hosted an excellent SEND coffee morning, with the school nursing team. Parents, caregivers, and educators engaged in discussions and resource-sharing to support children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Topics included toileting strategies, dietary considerations, sleep management, and addressing challenges related to Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Attendees exchanged valuable insights, received practical advice, and left equipped with resources to better support children with SEND in various aspects of their lives.

Safeguarding at Delce

If relevant staff are not available and your concern is urgent you can contact:

If you have a safeguarding concern about a member of staff, please inform the Headteacher, Miss Stevens.

Online Safety


Wishing these children a Happy Birthday for birthdays over the coming week!

Bethany - Fleming

Onyx - Dickens

Tazivaishe - Sharman

Archie - Wright

Lucca - Rhodes

Key dates

Monday 6th May - BANK HOLIDAY - School Closed

W/C Tuesday 7th May 2024 - Y5 CAT tests

Thursday 9th May 2024 - Earhart Class Assembly at 2.50pm in the Main Hall 

W/C Monday 13th May 2024 - Y6 KS2 SATS week

Thursday 23rd May 2024 - Bell Class Assembly at 2.50pm in the Main Hall 

Friday 24th May 2024 - End of term

End of May 2024 - Year 5 parent deadline to submit secondary school preferences for children with SEN

Monday 3rd June 2024 - First day of term

Wednesday 5th - Friday 7th June - Y6 Residential 

Thursday 6th June 2024 - Inventors Class Assembly at 2.50pm in the Main Hall 

W/C 10th June 2024 - Y4 Multiplication Check Week

Tuesday 11th June 2024 - Whole Class Photos

Tuesday 11th June 2024 - Y5 Food Waste Workshop

Thursday 13th June - FUDGE (Father's Day)
Friday 14th June 2024 - INSET day school closed

Thursday 20th June - Delce has Talent 

Friday 21st June 2024 - Delce has Talent 

Monday 24th June 2024 - Parent Workshop Online safety at 2.30pm in the Main Hall

Tuesday 26th June 2024 - Sports Day

Thursday 27th June 2024 - Wright Class Assembly at 2.50pm in the Main Hall 

Thursday 27th June - SEND coffee morning at 9am in the Main Hall

Thursday 4th July 2024 - Dickens Class Assembly at 2.50pm in the main hall. 

Thursday 11th July 2024 - Delce fest

Friday 12th July - Reports home to parents/carers

Friday 12th July - Y6 Production 5pm

Friday 19th July 2024 - Y6 leavers assembly 

Friday 19th July 2024 - End of term

Saturday 7th September 2024 - Summer Fair

Our Lunch Menu

Summer Term Foodie News

Chartwells - our school meal provider – has launched their new Summer menu, filled with crowd-pleasing classics and fresh, seasonal flavours.

To see the new menu below or visit the school website.

There is plenty of foodie fun planned for the summer term with themed menus such, Mexican themed Fiesta Fun in May and celebrating National Picnic Week in June.

All theme menus can be found here.

Important Information

Complaints procedures

At Delce, we aim to meet our statutory obligations when responding to complaints from our parents. Parents should follow our Complaints Policy that explains the procedures that should be followed. 

Stage 1: Informal 

The complainant should raise the complaint as soon as possible with the relevant member of staff or the headteacher as appropriate, either in person or by letter, telephone or email. If the complainant is unclear who to contact or how to contact them, they should contact the school office.

If the complaint is not resolved informally, it will be escalated to a Stage 2 formal complaint. The school will maintain a log of informal complaints and review this on a termly basis.

Stage 2: Formal 

If the issue cannot be resolved through informal action the complainant should inform the headteacher in writing. This letter will be acknowledged within three working days. Formal complaints must be reported the local governing body. The local governing body must then be kept informed about progress and outcomes. This letter should provide details such as relevant dates, times, and the names of witnesses of events, alongside copies of any relevant documents. The complainant should also state what they feel would resolve the complaint. 

For more details visit our website

Useful Links       01634 845242 Twitter: @delceacademy1