Respect     Collaboration      Kindness      Perseverance      Honesty      Responsibility

Delce news from the Headteacher

Dear Parents and Carers

Welcome back to Delce Academy after what I hope was a rejuvenating half term break for everyone. It was truly heartwarming to see the smiles on the faces of our children as they returned, filled with enthusiasm and ready to dive into the new adventures that await us in the Summer Term.

I must commend all our children for their impeccable appearance in their smart uniforms. Your pride in representing Delce shines brightly, and it's a testament to your dedication and respect for our school community.

As we embark on this exciting journey of learning and growth, I'm thrilled to announce that we have some wonderful events lined up for this term. We kick off with three class assemblies, with Rhodes class leading the way. These assemblies are not only opportunities for our children to showcase their talents and accomplishments but also moments for parents to witness firsthand the incredible progress their children are making. We encourage all parents to attend and share in these special moments.

Additionally, I would like to extend my gratitude to all the parents who attended the recent 11+ workshop. It was designed to provide valuable insights into the intricacies of the tests and the associated rules. Your commitment to supporting your child's education is truly commendable, and I am confident it will greatly benefit them in their academic journey.

Let us approach this term with excitement, determination, and a commitment to excellence. Together, we will make this Summer Term at Delce Academy a truly memorable and enriching experience for all.

Miss Stevens

'At Delce We Do Belong'

Our Core Value this term: PERSEVERANCE 

The Boy Who Never Told a Lie

by Anonymous

Once there was a little boy,
With curly hair and pleasant eye—
A boy who always told the truth,
And never, never told a lie.

And when he trotted off to school,
The children all about would cry,
"There goes the curly-headed boy—
The boy that never tells a lie."

And everybody loved him so,
Because he always told the truth,
That every day, as he grew up,
'Twas said, "There goes the honest youth."

And when the people that stood near
Would turn to ask the reason why,
The answer would be always this:
"Because he never tells a lie."

To promote our core value of HONESTY, we would like to invite our Delce family to read a story together at home. 

This week’s recommendation is: Honesty is my superpower. 

Little Tommy loves everything other kids love but what he likes most is spending time with his older brother Nao. With the help of his brother, Nao, Tommy will learn the effects of lying and how it impacts the feelings of others. Even when he thinks it’s just a joke.

You can also sing along at home with our HONESTY SONG


What a start to the term! We kicked off this term's English learning with a race, as we are exploring the book 'Fauja Singh keeps going'. We considered how it felt to run a Marathon, have people cheer us on and receive our medals. 

Year 3

Year 3 have had an amazing start to the new summer term! In science we started our new topic on light. We identified different light sources and used mirrors to show how light is reflected. We found that it travels in straight lines.

Year 4

What a start to the Summer term! Year 4 have explored the importance of being unique when being introduced to our new core text "Wonder". We have started to investigate the Roman Empire and enjoyed our new PE topic cricket. 

Year 5 

Year 5 students have been delving into the captivating artistry of Noma Bar, renowned for his distinctive and thought-provoking visual style. To deepen their understanding, students have embarked on the creation of mood boards, synthesising their interpretations and inspirations into visually engaging collages.

Year 6

In Computing this week, Year 6 have been developing their skills when coding.  Students have beenbeen learning how to manipulate codes and algorithms when using Microbits.  Through this they have strengthened their collaboration and communication when supporting others.


Jackson Class enjoyed creating stories in groups and retelling them. 

The DEC have been kind to a new child starting this week and supported them in settling. 

The DEC took part in a fire drill and were safe, quite and amazing well done DEC!

Record of Achievement 

 Well done to all the children who received a merit today!!!

Inventors: Alas and Kahnell

Bell: Brooke and Jack 

Wright: Elsie and Phoebie 

Jackson: Jackson Class

Adams: Adams Class

Dyson: Lexie and Andrew

Earhart: Joseph and Skylar

Sharman: Ronnie and Oabile

Rhodes: Faith and Ronnie

Dickens: Harrison and Isabelle 

Goulding: Luca and Aiden

Curie: Tabitha and Christine

Fleming: Sam and Lenny-Luca

Darwin: Omer and Somtochukwu

Caught Being Kind: Tamara (Sharman), Lara (Rhodes), Elsa (Rhodes)


Important Guidelines for Dress Code at Delce

As the weather warms up, children may begin wearing their summer uniform. It's important to adhere to the uniform guidelines while embracing the change in attire for the season.

In line with our commitment to maintaining a professional appearance, we kindly request that makeup and nail polish be reserved for weekends and not worn during the school week. Additionally, regular school shoes are required, with trainers permitted only for PE lessons.

Thank you for your cooperation in upholding our uniform standards and ensuring a positive learning environment for all children.

A message from Mr Minlah...

List of clubs in the Summer Term 

Choir Club: Tuesday 3.30pm - 4.15pm, Mrs Morrish -  Years 2-4

Dance Club: Monday 3.30pm - 4.15pm, Miss Condon -  all Year groups 

Football Club: Monday 3.30pm - 4.30pm, Mr Minlah - Years 5/6, 

Clay Club: Monday 3.30pm - 4.15pm, Mrs Masters - Year 5 & 6

Home Learning Club: Monday 3.30pm - 4.15pm Mrs Lindsey - Years 2-4

Cooking Club: Monday 3.30pm - 4.15, Mrs Coles and Mrs Reed - Years 2-6

Computing Club: Monday 3.30pm - 4.15pm - Miss Mansbridge.

Girls Only Football Club: Tuesday 3.30pm - 4.30pm, Mr Minlah - Years 3-6

Arts & Crafts Club: Tuesday 3.30pm - 4.15pm, Miss B Templeman - Years 2-4

Hockey Club: Thursday, 3.30pm - 4.15pm, Mr Palmer - all year groups

Board Games Club: Thursday, 3.30pm - 4.15pm, Miss Erameh - all year groups

Knitting Club: Friday, 3.30pm - 4.15pm, Miss Holland - Years 4-6

Cricket Club: Friday, 3.30pm - 4.30pm, Mr Minlah - Years 5 & 6

Just a reminder that clubs for the Summer Term will be starting from next week Monday 22nd April 2024. Children who attend a club must continue to follow Delce Academy expectations during the club. All children who attend the sports clubs must wear suitable clothing and footwear. This can include a PE kit or sports clothing. 



The Read-a-Thon is gaining momentum, but the Junior Leadership Team (JLT) is eager for more children to join in the fun. The main reward has been chosen: the winners will enjoy a delightful picnic on the field, followed by an action-packed afternoon of multi-sports events, all supported by Mr. Minlah. Mr. Minlah is thrilled about this opportunity to engage with the children and make the event even more exciting! Please, encourage your children to read at home and help their class win the main prize! 

This week's winners are: Earhart and Goulding. The children will be enjoying an additional 10 minutes of play. 

Anti-Racist Bullying Team

This week, the anti-racist bullying team visited each class in the school to gather pupil voice regarding how we as a school we should tackle racism. The team asked three questions in each class:

The feedback given by the children in each class was very encouraging and the team will meet with Mr. Minlah and Miss. Stevens to see how we can implement some of these ideas into our whole school polices.

Friends of Delce Academy

Family and Community Information 

11+ Parent workshop

Thank you to all the parents who attended the 11+ workshop! For more detailed information and resources, please follow this link.

Getting ready for SATs

As previously communicated, SATs week will run for the Year 6's from Monday 13th May 2024 to Thursday 16th May 2024. They will be tested on their knowledge of Reading, Maths and Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar. Over these four days, we firmly encourage all Year 6 students to come to school for a SATS Breakfast from 08:00 each day to fuel the brain and ease any anxieties, to ensure the best performance possible. Our breakfast is free and is offered to every child in Year 6. Breakfast includes: pastries, croissants, cereal bars, biscuits, fruit and juice.

Calling Medway Parents and Carers: Share Your Thoughts on Our Workshops for Family Wellbeing!

Medway’s Child Health Team would like to hear from Medway parents and carers. We would love to know your thoughts on our workshops for you and to find out which topics would be most useful and when would be the most convenient time for them to be delivered.

The aim of our parent workshop programme is to provide skills for parents and carers to navigate modern life challenges such as social media, mental health, and wellbeing, while exploring strategies that can contribute to the

health and wellbeing of children, with a focus on family support.

Those completing the survey will have the option to enter a prize draw for ne of two Amazon vouchers (£50 and £100).

Protect Your Child: MMR Vaccine Catch-up Clinics Available in April and May!

MMR vaccine catch-up clinics running this April and May. Make sure your child is protected from measles  


Following a rise in measles cases in London and England, the NHS are urging parents and carers to make sure their children are up-to-date with their MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccinations. To do this you can check your child’s red book, or check with your GP, who can offer MMR catch-up appointments. Measles can lead to serious illness but it is preventable through two doses of the MMR vaccine.


Catch-up clinics are available to school-aged children, and teens up 19 years old, on Saturday, 27 April and Saturday 18 May at the Clover Street Clinic in Chatham.


To book an appointment visit

Music opportunities

This term Medway Music Association have a fantastic free opportunity for Year 5 and 6 pupils. 

The sessions range from beginners to advanced. 

These sessions will offer pupils the chance to work with an online Digital Audio Workstation - Bandlab. Pupils will learn how to create music electronically and production techniques such as looping, automation and sampling, as well as creating music for specific purposes, e.g. music for adverts, films etc. 

The sessions begin on Tuesday 23rd April. Please find the form to apply Music Technology Application Form   

Support Isla

A fantastic young girl in Year 5, is braving the cut of her long luscious locks on the 24th April. She is kindly donating at least 12 inches of her hair to the Little Princess Trust, which is a charity which provide real hair wigs for children who have lost their hair to cancer. 

The sponsorship sheet is located in the office, any donation would go a long way to help support Isla with this. 



Well done to Curie  and Jackson

Jackson     91.7%

Inventors    91.64%

        Bell        94.39%

Wright     93.6%

Dyson     94.63%

Earhart      91.83%

Sharman      90.54%

Adams     77.8%

Dickens      93.83%

Goulding      94.38%

Rhodes     94.15%

Curie      96.27%

Darwin      93.87%

Fleming      95.56%


A message from our SENCO, Mr Palmer...

Mr. Palmer's Parent Drop Ins 

Each week Mr. Palmer will be available 9am-10am every Friday in 15 minute slots to discuss any concerns.

If you would like one of the 15 Minute Slots to discuss something, please use the QR code below to access the booking system. 

Mr Palmer's Top Tip this week!

Does your child struggle with language and understanding what you are asking them?

Give them short, clear and explicit directions, support these with images and visuals to help them further understand the task. 

Safeguarding at Delce

If relevant staff are not available and your concern is urgent you can contact:

If you have a safeguarding concern about a member of staff, please inform the Headteacher, Miss Stevens.

Online Safety

What Parents and Carers Need to Know About Influencers

Did you know, the most popular online activity for children and young people is watching videos? More than ever before, social media influencers play a big part in shaping the opinions and views of young people. 

Some of these influencers are positive, providing relatable and relevant information for a wide range of interests. But the popularity of influencers can also bring certain risks. 


Pressure to buy things

Influencers can create a pressure to buy things. One of the main ways influencers make money is through brand partnerships and sponsored content.

Through watching their favourite influencers children and young people may be exposed to a lot of advertising.  This can promote a materialistic attitude and increase their desire to always have the latest product.

Negative self comparisons

Influencers can cause us to make negative self comparisons. Influencers choose what they share, and what they don’t share. This means influencers can put forward an image of their life that looks ‘perfect’ to the outside world. 

This can cause young people to have unrealistic expectations about their body image and to feel worse about the way they look.

Copying their role-models

Young people may copy their role-models.  Drawing inspiration from their favourite influencers, children and young people may be encouraged to share more of their own life online. 

This could result in sharing personal information and putting them at increased risk of cyberbullying or contact from strangers online. 

So what can parents and carers do?

1. Have a chat about it. 

Talk to your child about the videos they watch on social media, and who they are following.  Encourage critical thinking about what they are watching. You could talk about how influencers make money through advertising and promoting products. 

Listen to any concerns your child has about what they have seen online.

2. Set Boundaries

Set some boundaries around the amount of screen time for social media, age limits and agree appropriate use of privacy settings.  How you go about this will depend on the age of your child. Having some boundaries in place can support healthy digital habits. 

3. Promote Healthy Body Image

Talk about how the images and videos we see from influencers are not always realistic. Talk about how videos and pictures can be edited to look a certain way. 

4. Help them to Be Ad Savvy 

Sometimes it’s difficult to tell if an influencer is promoting a product because they have been paid. Talk to your child about how they can tell if a video or post includes a paid advertisement. Look at a few examples, and see if you can find some paid promotions on the channels they watch. 


Wishing these children a Happy Birthday for birthdays over the coming week!

Angel -Dickens

Ronny - Sharman

Tare - Curie

Isabella - Inventors

Albie-Jay - Dyson

Bornil - Sharman

Key dates

Thursday 25th April 2024 - Rhodes Class Assembly at 2.50pm in the Main Hall 

Thursday 2nd May 2024 - SEND coffee morning at 9am in the Main Hall

Thursday 2nd May 2024 - Year 2/3/4 Movie Night 

Friday 3rd May 2024 - Year 5/6 Movie Night

W/C Monday 6th May 2024 - Y5 CAT tests

Thursday 9th May 2024 - Earhart Class Assembly at 2.50pm in the Main Hall 

W/C Monday 13th May 2024 - Y6 KS2 SATS week

Thursday 23rd May 2024 - Bell Class Assembly at 2.50pm in the Main Hall 

Friday 24th May 2024 - End of term

End of May 2024 - Year 5 parent deadline to submit secondary school preferences for children with SEN

Monday 3rd June 2024 - First day of term

Wednesday 5th - Friday 7th June - Y6 Residential 

Thursday 6th June 2024 - Inventors Class Assembly at 2.50pm in the Main Hall 

W/C 10th June 2024 - Y4 Multiplication Timestables Check Week

Tuesday 11th June 2024 - Y5 Food Waste Workshop

Thursday 13th June - FUDGE (Father's Day)
Friday 14th June 2024 - INSET day school closed

Thursday 20th June - Delce has Talent 

Friday 21st June 2024 - Delce has Talent 

Monday 24th June 2024 - Parent Workshop Online safety at 2.30pm in the Main Hall

Tuesday 26th June 2024 - Sports Day

Thursday 27th June 2024 - Wright Class Assembly at 2.50pm in the Main Hall 

Thursday 27th June - SEND coffee morning at 9am in the Main Hall

Thursday 4th July 2024 - Dickens Class Assembly at 2.50pm in the main hall. 

Thursday 11th July 2024 - Delce fest

Friday 12th July - Reports home to parents/carers

Friday 12th July - Y6 Production 5pm

Friday 19th July 2024 - Y6 leavers assembly 

Friday 19th July 2024 - End of term

Saturday 7th September 2024 - Summer Fair

Our Lunch Menu

Useful Links       01634 845242 Twitter: @delceacademy1