Respect     Collaboration      Kindness      Perseverance      Honesty      Responsibility

Delce news from the Headteacher

  Dear Parents and Carers

With just one week left until summer break, the excitement for relaxation is buzzing around the school! This week was busy but rewarding, filled with activities that celebrated our amazing children.

Year 6's end-of-year production is happening this evening. We can't wait to see their talent and dedication shine on stage. We'll be sure to share pictures and news about this heartwarming and entertaining spectacle next week.

Earlier this week, the Year 6 children also celebrated their achievements with a delightful picnic on the field. They enjoyed some delicious food, laughter, and games with their classmates, creating lasting memories. 

Looking ahead to next year, our soon-to-be Year 3 children participated in a fun sports event this week. It was a fantastic opportunity for them to meet their future classmates, explore different activities, and get a taste of what to expect come September. We were thrilled to see their teamwork and enthusiasm blossom.

On top of all that excitement, this week also brought the children a chance to meet the teachers they'll have next year! It was a great opportunity for them to chat, ask questions, and ease any nerves about moving on to a new class.

Thank you for all your support!

At Delce We Do Belong!

Our Core Value this term: RESPONSIBILITY 

To promote our core value of RESPONSIBILITY, we would like to invite our Delce family to read a story together at home. 

This week’s recommendation is: Benji, the bad day and me. 

Nothing seems to be going right for Sammy today. At school, he got in trouble for kicking a fence. Then the cafeteria ran out of his favourite pizza for lunch. After having to walk home in the pouring rain, Sammy finds his neurodivergent little brother Benji is having a bad day too. On days like this, Benji has a special play-box where he goes to feel cozy and safe.

But while Sammy lovingly cares for Benji, Sammy doesn’t have a special place where he can feel protected. And he's convinced no one cares how he feels—or even notices him at all. But somebody is noticing, and they might have an idea of how to help Sammy feel a bit better.

Our Learning 

Get ready to embark on a journey through the learning achievements and activities of the week. From captivating classroom discoveries to inspiring moments of creativity, there's so much to admire and enjoy. 

Let's dive in together and revel in the joy of learning!


This week, we have explored rhyming words and found that the words have the same sounds in. We have used this knowledge to plan poems with a rhyming structure of ABAB. 

Year 3

This week in Year 3, the children have worked very hard on their artwork. They have created mono-prints based on the work of Clare Haxby. Next week, we will be hoping to print them. 

Year 4

This week, year 4 have been learning all about poetry. We have explored different types of poems and their features ready to compose our own poem and publish it next week.  We have also enjoyed watching the year 6 play and met our new teacher ready for year 5. We also learnt how to keep ourselves safe with a fire safety workshop. 

Year 5

Year 5 recently participated in an informative and engaging fire safety workshop. During the session, they learned valuable safety tips and gained a deeper understanding of fire prevention. This invaluable experience, led by a local fire safety expert, not only educated our pupils on the importance of fire safety but also equipped them with practical skills to stay safe in case of an emergency.

Year 6 

This week, Year 6 have continued preparing for their Production and have also enjoyed another end of year event!  This week, we have celebrated and continued to make new memories with our picnic on the field!  We played games together, danced together and shared our favourite moments at Delce whilst sharing our snacks!


This week, the DEC had a visitor from Kent fire brigade. We learnt about fire safety plans (fire drills). We watched Freddy, Filbert and Penelope to learn about what to do in case of a fire.

The DEC have talked about England reaching the Euro 2024 final and how excited we all are. The DEC wish England good luck on Sunday and we will be prepared for blue zone activities on Monday.

Record of Achievement 

       Well done to all the children who received a merit today!!!

Inventors: Debora and Ennis

Bell: Florence and Adrian

Wright: Tallulah and Harry

Jackson: Albert

Adams: Luca 

Dyson: Albie and Alicia

Earhart: Olivia and Willow

Sharman: Emily and Tazivaishe

Rhodes: Lylah-Beau and Cody

Dickens: Onyx and Lexi

Goulding: Tommy and Olivia

Curie: Bethel and Hayzee

Darwin: Townes and George B.

Fleming: Olivia, Lola and Bethany


It is time for our Summer Uniform!

The warmer weather is here, and it's time to transition to the cooler summer uniforms.  

Uniform Policy: For a full overview of the uniform guidelines, please refer to the school's uniform policy which can be found here. 

Sun Safety in the Summer Months:

As temperatures rise, prioritising student well-being becomes even more important. To ensure a comfortable and safe learning environment during these hot days:

Hydration: Please remind your child to bring a refillable water bottle to school. 

Sun Protection: Hats are recommended for outdoor activities or whenever pupils feel exposed to the sun.

A message from Mr Minlah...

Circus Skills Workshop

30 children from Delce Academy were selected to take part in a circus skills workshop organised by Medway Plus Charity. The children practiced their skills with different circus equipment.

Anti-Bullying Ambassadors 


At Delce, we stand united against bullying in all its forms. Bullying hurts and harms, and it has no place in our school community. We are committed to creating a safe and nurturing environment where every child feels valued, respected, and supported.

Together, we will foster a culture of kindness, empathy, and inclusivity, where every child can thrive and reach their full potential.

STOP red boxes allow the children to place their worries and concerns in them. They are located across the school and checked daily by Mr. Minlah and Mr. Bower, and any concerns posted are responded to promptly by our dedicated pastoral team.





Worried About A Child?

If you are worried about a child's safety, please come and speak to a DSL in school; our door is always open!

Please know you can also refer by considering the following options:

- You can contact Medway Social Care at 01634 334466, Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm. 

- For situations outside of these hours, please call Medway Social Care on 03000 419 191. 

- For non-emergency situations, you can call the police on 101.

- If a child is in immediate danger, do not hesitate to call 999.

Friends of Delce Academy

Did you know The Friends of Delce Academy is on Facebook?

Click here to join the group on Facebook to stay up to date with up coming events, competitions, prizes and how you can support your child's school:

Friends of Delce

Family and Community Information 

Future Year 3 Shined at Sports Day!

Our soon-to-be Year 3 superstars had a fantastic afternoon today at their special sports event!

They explored a variety of activities, getting to know their future classmates and unleashing their inner athletes. It was a joy to see their teamwork and sportsmanship on display.

We're sure they'll have plenty of exciting stories to share with you.

Sound the Alarm! Fire Safety Across the School!

This week, all our classes had the opportunity to meet with a Fire Safety Officer! The children learned important fire safety tips, like how to identify fire hazards and what to do in case of a fire.

We all know fire drills are important, but learning these valuable skills can help keep our children safe at home and at school. Ask your child what they learned and talk to them about your home fire escape plan!

Medway Go

                This is now live for booking, giving families opportunity to book places during the 4 week of August - find out more at Over 9000 sessions have already been booked since Monday but still plenty left 

                 for families to sign up to (Flyer attached if you can share with any networks relevant).


The Medway Go Fun Day

Tuesday 23rd July

12-3pm (11.00-12pm is and SEND only hour) at Medway Park, Gillingham ME7 1HF

Please join us in congratulating Max! We are all very proud of him here at Delce! 

He won the Best Supporting Actor award at the Duncan Rand One Act Play Festival Awards on 5th July, for his role in 'As It Was' - (a play he acted in at Medway Little Theatre). 



Well done to everyone who received the certificate this week!

Jackson    90.91%

Inventors     94.33%

Bell     93%

Wright     92.33%

Dyson     91.33%

Earhart     91.38%

Sharman     87%

Adams      60.42%

Dickens     91.72%

Goulding     92.2%

Rhodes    91.19%

Fleming     93.66%

Darwin    86.97%

Curie     91.57%


A message from our SENCO, Mr Palmer...

Mr. Palmer's Parent Drop Ins 

Each week Mr. Palmer will be available 9am-10am every Friday in 15 minute slots to discuss any concerns.

If you would like one of the 15 Minute Slots to discuss something, please use the QR code below to access the booking system. 

Mr Palmer's Top Tip this week!

Is your child someone who worries about school holidays and always seems to be on the go?

GIve them lots of opportunities for exercise. Find a playground or park, or go to a soft play centre. Physical exercise will help them to regulate their energy levels as well as releasing chemicals in their body which will help them to remain calm and regulated. 

Safeguarding at Delce

If relevant staff are not available and your concern is urgent you can contact:

If you have a safeguarding concern about a member of staff, please inform the Headteacher, Miss Stevens.

Online Safety


Wishing these children a Happy Birthday for birthdays over the coming week!

Samantha - Fleming

Dunmininu - Dyson

Ayan - Wright

Arijas - Rhodes

Ennis - Inventors

Esther - Curie

Logan-Louis - Jackson

Izzy - Curie

Key dates

Friday 19th July 2024 - Y6 shirt signing - Children to bring in a shirt / book for friends to sign.

Friday 19th July 2024 - Y6 Graduation Assembly (09:30am - 11:00am) - Children to wear uniform and then change for the inflatables afterwards.

Friday 19th July 2024 - Y6 Inflatables on school field 

Friday 19th July 2024 - Last Day - End of term

Saturday 7th September 2024 - Summer Fair

Our Lunch Menu

Summer Term Foodie News

Chartwells - our school meal provider – has launched their new Summer menu, filled with crowd-pleasing classics and fresh, seasonal flavours.

See the new menu below or visit the school website.

Important Information

Complaints procedures

At Delce, we aim to meet our statutory obligations when responding to complaints from our parents. Parents should follow our Complaints Policy that explains the procedures that should be followed. 

Stage 1: Informal 

The complainant should raise the complaint as soon as possible with the relevant member of staff or the headteacher as appropriate, either in person or by letter, telephone or email. If the complainant is unclear who to contact or how to contact them, they should contact the school office.

If the complaint is not resolved informally, it will be escalated to a Stage 2 formal complaint. The school will maintain a log of informal complaints and review this on a termly basis.

Stage 2: Formal 

If the issue cannot be resolved through informal action the complainant should inform the headteacher in writing. This letter will be acknowledged within three working days. Formal complaints must be reported the local governing body. The local governing body must then be kept informed about progress and outcomes. This letter should provide details such as relevant dates, times, and the names of witnesses of events, alongside copies of any relevant documents. The complainant should also state what they feel would resolve the complaint. 

For more details visit our website

Useful Links       01634 845242 Twitter: @delceacademy1