

My name is Ana, I am 13 years old and I am from Manlleu. I live in a house on the outskirts of Manlleu. I have some imperfections but nobody is perfect but I don't like my height and I would like to change that about my body, I really like dancing, eating, sleeping, doing sports like paleo and corsfit, I feel like myself even though my head hurts because I make more effort with my head than with my body haha.

I have a house in l'Escala that we go there in summer because there is a swimming pool and we all eat ice cream every good day it is like my paradise.

I also have a 4-month-old dog that is crazy hahah, but she's adorable, she's super tiny, she looks like a stuffed animal, I like to hang out with her and hang out with my mother and father in the fields. Seeing her run gives me a thousand years of life, she seems like my daughter