Engaging Learning Games

Played and loved by educators and students the world over

Built on our patent-pending AI-driven economic game model


Arctopia is a series of engaging games that teach Economics, Business & Financial Literacy.

Built on Innervative Learning's patent pending AI-driven economic game model.

We put all the good stuff made for games into helping you learn

Bryan Gets FinEd

Savings, Money... Financial Literacy!

Help Bryan get FinEd (Financially Educated)! Set savings goals, manage money, learn about banks & interest.

Life of Bryan

Decisions... and opportunity cost

​Each choice comes with trade-offs. Guide Bryan and help him make decisions to get through life.

Path to Monopoly

Learn the secrets to be a Monopoly

​In the town of Arctopia, you have just been appointed as the Branch Manager of a famous coffee franchise

Monopoly Power

Feel the power of a Monopoly

​As a Monopoly, you now have the power to price-discriminate and maximise your profits from your market.

Arctopia is a product of Innervative Learning Pte. Ltd., crafted by

CHAN Hei Wai, CHEW Xin-Wei, James CHIA, Kris LEE, Nadelyn LEE, LEE Wei Liang, Cedric Edward TAN & YEO Ying Zhi.

Music & Sound by IMBA Interactive.

Arctopia is part of the TeacherGaming Desk EcoSystem

Innervative Learning is official distributor for TeacherGaming Desk platform

We offer user accounts, training and support for SE Asian and Australasian educators

Help your students learn better through Game-Based Learning

We also help organisations to create web-based learning games


Engaging Flashcards game to teach and test simple words

Try at: http://se.arclab.io


Adrenaline-filled "Catch Falling Objects" time-based competitive game


Timeless memory game to help promote recognition of imagery

Try at: http://ap.arclab.io

Organisations such as language centres, startups and financial institutions use our web-games to engage with and communicate content to their audience.