Ingleside ISD

Approach to Recover Learning Loss Safely

Ingleside ISD's Approach to Recover Learning Loss Safely


The American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act of 2021 dedicated funds to the Elementary and Secondary School Education Relief (EESER) grant. The intent of this grant is to provide education funding to address needs from the COVID-19 pandemic and support the safe reopening and operation of schools.

The plans below will be reviewed and revised (if necessary) every 6-months.

Allocation Amounts

● Initial Allocation (2/3): $2,203,057

Second Allocation (1/3): $1,102,596

IISD Total Allocation: $3,305,653

Ingleside ISD ESSER Planning

The following processes were used to determine the needs of the LEA caused by the pandemic that would not be reimbursed by other fund sources:

• LEA conducted surveys to district-level staff.

• LEA conducted surveys to campus-level staff.

• LEA conducted surveys to parents.

• LEA conducted surveys to students

• LEA conducted surveys to community groups, and special population representatives.

• LEA sent direct communication to staff, parents, and/or students to gather input.

• LEA reviewed and analyzed data from local and state health authorities.

• LEA consulted with local school board to determine needs

• LEA identified needs as issues arose that were out of the ordinary.

• LEA reviewed documented comprehensive needs assessment considering the pandemic to determine needs.

Ingleside ISD ESSER Survey Results

The district conducted an electronic survey to parents, students, community, campus staff, district staff, civil rights organizations, and stakeholders of special population children in preparation for ESSER planning.

Ingleside ISD's Use of Funds Plan - Updated July 2022

At least 20% of ESSER III funds are to be expended to meet the minimum required for learning loss mitigation which is approximately $661,131 for Ingleside ISD. These costs include Chromebook's for the one to one initiative which provides students individual Chromebooks $301,0000; instructional software for credit recovery, instructional acceleration, and instructional remediation $175,000; staff training in accelerated instruction, strategies to close the learning gaps, and family engagement $40,000; to help aid in learning loss, migration programs and activities will and have included afterschool, summer school, and extended day/year programs targeted to students from low-income families, students of color, English learners, children with disabilities, students experiencing homelessness, children in foster care, and migratory students $200,000.

These instructional migration programs to aid in closing the learning gap include*Summer programs including traditional summer school 3-12, credit recovery plus enrichment programs while providing transportation, breakfast and lunch* Targeted academic interventions for struggling students, including tutorials, homework help classroom with late bus as needed *Content-specific curricula and materials for targeted learning loss *Value added models to assess student growth as well as digital assessments to enhance student academic achievement *Campus parent and family events

*ESSER-III funds were used in staff retention. To assist in retention of staff, all staff that continued on with Ingleside ISD from the 2020-2021 school year received a $2000 retention stipend in the 2021-2022 school year. For the staff continuing on in 2022-2023 from 2021-2022 , they will receive a $4,500 retention stipend.

*ESSER-III funds were used in Prevention and Mitigation Strategies Consistent with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to improve air quality through improvements to HVAC systems, to reduce the spread of disease and lower the risk of exposure including upgrade and replacement of units to improve air quality by increasing ventilation and diluting potential contaminants. $697,169

*Two school busses were purchased to reduce student numbers on current busses and provide upgraded ventilation systems. $208,836

*A comprehensive bus GPS system was implemented that includes live student status available to all parents and district to ensure safety and immediate communication and location of bus students. $41,000

Ingleside ISD's Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan - Updated July 2022