LINGuistics LAB @ ICU
LINGLAB @ ICU is a space where students can learn about activities concerning linguistics research projects, especially linguistics experiments that take place at ICU.
Linguistic students have opportunities to be involved in research projects. Please contact Dr. Lee.
Newsletter: Linguistics in Mitaka
Upcoming Events
ICU will host LSJ168 (June 29-30, 2024)
Japan - South Africa Collaborative Project (JSAntu) launched (since 2021.12). [LINK]
FY2023 JSPS-Joint Research Project (with NRF, Korea) will run from April 2023 to March 2025.
Kakenhi (C) Grant Audiphon (Auditory models for automatic prediction of phonation). PI is Dr. Julián Villegas, Co-PI is Seunghun J. Lee. From April 2024 to March 2027.
Upcoming talks (click news for details)
Recent Papers
Lee, Seunghun J. Lee and Hong Shen (2024, to appear) Tone sandhi in Nuosu Yi at the interface: phonological evidence for morphological structures. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 47(1)
Riedel, Kristina and Seunghun J. Lee (2023) Notes on geminates in Sesotho. Ex Africa semper aliquid novi: Linguistic shorts in honour of Andries Coetzee – part I. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus 67(1): 49-58. (DOI:
Linguistics Lab @ ICU
3-10-2 Osawa Mitaka
Tokyo 181-8585 Japan
The lab is managed by Dr. Seunghun Lee.
(Email: seunghun AT icu DOT ac DOT jp)
Asian Junior Linguists Conference
Current Projects
[Phonetics & Phonology]
Depressor consonants in Xitsonga, Siswati (South Africa) and Japanese [DCon, Kakenhi 16K02641, Lee]
EGG Study of two Japanese dialects [DCon, Kakenhi 16K02641, Lee]
[Sentence Processing]
A non-invasive test for diagnosing cognition in three SOV languages: Japanese, Korean and Bodo [SOV, Kakenhi 18K00546, Yoshida, Lee]
Completed projects
2017-2018 Two Okinawan dialects: Ikema dialect (Miyako) and Hateruma dialect [RyuVoN, Hayashi, Aso, Lee] funded by Kashima Foundation
2017-2019 Acoustics, articulation, perception of Tamang (Nepal), Drenjongke (Sikkim, India) and Dzongkha (Bhutan) [PhoPhoNO, van Driem, Lee] funded by SNSF-JSPS International Collaborative Grant
2018 Voicing in Hokkaido dialects [RHOAM, Suzuki, Lee] funded by JICUF
Processing instrumental case in Korean, English and Japanese [GRN, Lee]
L2 pronunciation: the geminate production by Chinese learners of Japanese [C2J, Lee]
Phonetics and phonology of Korean [AKSLab (Korea), Lee]
Prosody-Syntax Interface [NSF (USA), Lee]
Establishment of a Research Network for Exploring the Linguistic Diversity and Linguistic Dynamism in Africa [ReNeLDA, Lee]