
Laboratory activities

Earth is the only known planet hosting life and one of the most complex environment in Solar System. Investigating complex process related to astrobiology and origin of life. Our laboratory is involved in several projects focused on Earth and Luna. Our activities span from simulation of astrobiological relevant process to development of technology for planetary exploration.

Life in Space - OPPS Origin, Presence, Persistence of life in Space

The project deals with:

  1. Origins and evolution of organic compounds of biological relevance in space (comets, asteroids, rocky planets, moons);

  2. Prebiotic synthesis, origin of life and life at the origins;

  3. The limits of life and biological habitability: origin, evolution and adaptation of life in extreme environments on Earth and in Space;

  4. Biomarker for the detection of life in the solar system and on exoplanets.

The aim of this project is to networking the best skills in our country, to carry out a wide-ranging research, with a common goal.

Our group is studying in the laboratory the interactions of organic molecules with mineral surfaces, simulating the physical-chemical processes that can lead to the degradation of the organic component or to their protection, providing the necessary inputs for the development of extraction and analysis models through new scientific payload concepts for space applications.

ABCS AstroBio CubeSat

The project aims to launch the AstroBio-CubeSat (ABCS), a 3U cubesat hosting mini laboratory payload based on innovative lab-on chip technology suitable for research in the life sciences, biotechnology and pharmaceutical technologies sectors. The objective of the project is to test in space environments an automatic laboratory based on lab-on-chip technology, able to provide a highly integrated in-situ multiparameter platform that uses immunoassay tests exploiting chemiluminescence detection.

In-orbit validation of the proposed technology would represent a significant breakthrough for autonomous execution of bio-analytical experiments in space with potential application in planetary exploration for biomarkers detection, astronauts’ healthcare, space stations’ environmental monitoring and more.

ABCS was succesfully delivered in orbit by the first lauch of Vega-C on 13 July 2022 from the european spaceport in Kourou, French Guyana. See the video

Visit the dedicated website for more information.

PAHs and Origin of life

In the study of origin of life, the understanding of chemical process that could have developed in Early Earth environment are fundamental. Our laboratory is collaborating with the Department of Earth Sciences at Utrecht University (Netherlands) to investigate the evolution of irradiated PAHs adsorbed to various mineral substrates. Laboratory simulation chambers allow us to gain insight into the nature of organic carbon chemistry on various rocky bodies in our Solar System. This data can be used alongside astronomical data to better understand their nature and help guide the instrumentation choices on space missions to places like Early Earth, Mars, asteroids & comets.