New Trends in Mathematical Methods for Physics

06 – 17 May 2019                                                                IMSP, Dangbo, Benin                                                                                                            
       Deadline for applications:

31 March 2019

This school aims to enable collaboration and exchanges between Ph.D students, young scientists and experts in Mathematical Physics. The chosen topics cover a large spectrum of fundamental and applied mathematical tools and techniques in Physics.

The courses will focus on introducing new trends of mathematical methods in physics in order to reinforce Ph.D students and scientists capacity to identify and to use mathematical materials to solve physical problems within their research area. This school intend to offer a panel of experiences sharing, collaboration and to build larger scientists networks working on research projects with more impact on the social development.

Main speakers and topics

1- Jean Orou CHABI, Institut de Mathématiques et de Sciences Physiques, Dangbo, Bénin, Title: Approximation methods for singular pertubation problems.

2-Sekazi MTINGWA, American University of Physics, USA, Title: …………

3-Julio C. FABRIS, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Vitóri, Brésil, julio.fabris@cosmo Title: Geometrical and physical properties of black holes.

4-Aissa WADE, African Institute of Mathematical Sciences, M’bour, Sénégal, Title : Poisson geometry and physics

5-Giuseppe DITO, Institut Mathématique de Bourgogne, Dijon, France, Title: Symplectic geometry and quantum mechanics.

6-Laure GOUBA, International Centre of Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, Title: New trends in quantization methods.

7- Paulo Afonso Faria da Veiga, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, Title: Renormalization and particle spectrum in field theory.

8-Ancille NGENDAKUMANA, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Bujumbura, Burundi, Title: Noncommutative physical systems: Souriau coadjoint orbits methods.

9-Oscar REULA, FaMAF, Univ. Nac. de Córdoba, ARGENTINA, Title: Initial-Boundary value problem in general relativity: numerical aspects.

10-Cyriaque ATINDOGBE, Institut de Mathématiques et de Sciences Physiques, Dangbo, Bénin, Title: Lightlike submanifolds: new developments and challenges

11- Jean D’ALMEIDA………

International Scientific Committee:

Jean-Pierre EZIN, Institut de Mathématiques et de Sciences Physiques, Dangbo, Bénin.

Jean D’ALMEIDA, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, UFR de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées.

Joseph NIEMELA, International Centre of Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy.

Joël TOSSA, Institut de Mathématiques et de Sciences Physiques, Dangbo, Bénin.

Thierry D’ALMEIDA, Commissariat à l‘Energie Atomique, France.

Local Organizing Committee :

Léonard TODJIHOUNDE, Jean Orou Chabi, Joël TOSSA, Jean-Pierre EZIN, Jules DEGILA, Carlos OGOUYANDJOU, Cyriaque ATINDOGBE, Franck D. HOUENOU, Esther CHABI, Fidèle BALIBUNO, Ménédore KARIMUMURYANGO

Online application:



ACE-MSA will provide a limited number of grants. Priority will be given to female participants from West and Central African countries.

Main sponsors:

Institute of Mathematics and Physics Sciences / University of Abomey Calavi / African Centre of Excellence in Mathematical Sciences and Applications/ Ministry of Scientific Research, Benin.