I am a postdoc at IMPAN (Warsaw) as part of the Maestro project "Analysis on groups" led by Piotr Nowak since October 2023.
I am currently in the job market.
I study analytical aspects of group cohomology and applications to geometric and measured group theory. I have mostly worked with L^p-cohomology of groups and of geometric objects related to Lie theory (such as Lie groups, buildings, Coxeter groups or Kac-Moody groups).
Before, I defended my PhD on June 2023 under the supervision of Marc Bourdon (Université de Lille) and Bertrand Rémy (ENS Lyon) at École polytechnique.
You can cite me as: López Neumann, López-Neumann or López, but not Neumann.
Email: alopez at impan.pl
Coming soon
(with Juan Paucar) On growth of cocycles of isometric representations on Banach spaces
Vanishing of the second L^p-cohomology group for most semisimple groups of rank at least 3. Accepted in Annales de l'Institut Fourier. arXiv
2022 -2023
Tutorials L2 Analyse et convergence 1 (Université Paris-Saclay)
Tutorials L1 Algèbre 1 (Université Paris-Saclay)
Tutorials Remise à niveau analyse et algèbre, 3ème année cycle ingénieur (Polytech Paris-Saclay)
Tutorials L2 Analyse et convergence 1 (Université Paris-Saclay)
Tutorials L1 Algèbre 1 (Université Paris-Saclay)
Tutorials L2 Analyse et convergence 1 (Université Paris-Saclay)
Tutorials L2 Analyse pour physiciens (Université Paris-Saclay)