Specials- Our class has Spanish on Monday at 1:40, Music on Tuesday at 1:45 , Libary on Wedmesday at 2:00 and Thursday and Friday we have P.E. at 2:00 . Please have students wear shoes that they can run in on P.E. days
Monday folders come on Monday. Please read info and return folder on Tuesday.
Friday Fun folders come home Fridays with activities to work on with your child. Later in the year it will include a book bag. Please return on Monday.
Wednesday is chapel at 10:50-11:10. You are welcome to attend. Please sit in the back section of chapel.
School starts at 8:15 - Please be here by 8:10
School Ends at 3:00
Lunch is 11:30-12:05
Daily schedule
8:15-8:30 Morning work
8:30-8:50 morning phonics intro
8:55-10:00 Phonics rotations
9:50-10:05 Recess
10:10-11:30 number corner, math and centers
11:30-12:05 Lunch
12:10-1:00 writing, weekly reader ect..
1:20-1:35 Recess
1:40-2:00 Snack and Storytime
1:40- 2:00 specials M-T
2:00-2:30 specials Wed-Fri
Friday Fun! a fun game or art
2:30-2:50 Learning centers
2:50-3:00 Clean and pack up