
As we begin to dive into learning, I encourage students to become independent learners. Specifically in math I use the following questions to guide the student when asking for help.

1. What is the question asking you to find? Say it in your own words.

2. What operation do you think you need to do? (addition, subtraction, multiplication or division?) Why?

3. Guide in a different direction if incorrect or highlight key words to redirect

4. What do you believe are your first steps? Why?

Guide in a different direction if incorrect or highlight key words to redirect

If students become frustrated or upset I tell them to skip the problem work on a different one. I will come back to continue helping when they can try to answer any of the above questions.

The phrase - “I don’t know”; “I don’t get it” or “I need help” are open ended so I try to figure out what they don’t get. If students come home with homework I encourage you to use the following questions so we are working together to build independent learners.