Curriculum & Report Cards

Welcome to our Curriculum & Report Cards Page


Standards on report card:

  1. Use various strategies to demonstrate fact fluency with addition facts through 20

  1. Use various strategies to demonstrate fact fluency with subtraction facts through 20

  1. Write and compare related addition and subtraction facts and fact families

  1. Use addition strategies to solve single step word problems

  1. Use subtraction strategies to solve single step word problems

  1. Find the tens and ones place value for numbers 11-99

  1. Use patterns to count, read, write, and order numbers through 120

  1. Compare two-digit numbers using tens and ones

  1. Order two-digit numbers from least to greatest and greatest to least

  1. Write two-digit numbers in expanded form

  1. Use various strategies to add two-digit numbers without regrouping

  1. Use various strategies to subtract two-digit numbers without regrouping

  1. Tell and write time to the hour and half hour using analog and digital clocks

  1. Identify and combine coins with total values up to one dollar


Math Chapters Order

1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 5, 10, 13, 14

Chapter 1- addition facts and strategies within 10

Sums through 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Related addition facts

Using a number line to count on

Chapter 2- more addition within 10

Adding 3 digits

Doubles and doubles plus 1

Equal sums

Missing addends

Chapter 3- subtraction facts and strategies within 10

Subtract from 5,6, 7, 8,9, 10

Using a number line to subtract

All or zero

Chapter 4- addition and subtraction relationships within 10

Related subtraction facts

Related addition and subtraction facts

Fact families

Using addition to subtract

Missing addends

Subtract to compare

Chapter 6- place value to 100

Ones and tens through one hundred

Count and order numbers

Numbers 11-19, 20-39, 40-59, 60-89, 90-100

Chapter 7- place value to 120

Place value

Expanded form

Decompose two digit numbers

Numbers to 120

Number patterns

Compare numbers

Order numbers

Chapter 8- addition facts within 20

Make 10 to add

Sums 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

Three addends

Chapter 9- subtraction facts within 20

Make 10 to subtract

Subtract from 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

Fact families

True and false equations

Missing part of an equation

Chapter 11- addition two digit numbers

Find 10 more

Add tens

Add two digit and multiples of 10

Add two digit and one digit

Make 10 to add

Add two two digit

Break apart to add

Chapter 12- subtraction two digit numbers

Find 10 less

Think addition to subtract tens

Subtract multiples of 10 from two digit numbers

Chapter 15- telling time

Chapter 16- money

Chapter 5- measurement

Chapter 10- data and graphs

Chapter 13- geometry

Chapter 14- equal shares (fractions)


Standards on report card:

  1. Show an understanding of God as Creator.

  1. Retell the story of Jesus' life, death and Resurrection

  1. Identify and describe the essential elements of Baptism

  1. Describe prayer as talking and listening to God

  1. Memorize and recite grade level prayers

  1. State that the church is a place where people gather to praise, thank and worship God

  1. Identify objects in the Church

  1. Show care, respect and love for each other and God’s creation


  • Unit 1 Our Church Community

    • Chapter 1- We Belong to Jesus’ Church

      • community, Catholic Church, Jesus the Good Shepherd, making the sign of the cross

    • Chapter 2- We Gather to Celebrate Mass

      • church, Mass, sign of the cross, greeting “and with your Spirit,” parish, items and places inside a Catholic church, blessing prayer

    • Chapter 3- God’s Word Teaches Us

      • Philip and the man from Ethiopia, Bible, Jesus calms the storm, the Bible is the written word of God, Saint Augustine, listening prayer

    • Chapter 4- We Give Praise to God

      • praising prayer, Moses and the Hebrew people, prayer is talking to and listening to God, Gloria prayer,

  • Unit 2- Our Loving God

    • Chapter 5- God is Our Father

      • creation, God is our Creator, thanking prayer

    • Chapter 6- Baptism is a Wonderful Gift

      • Baptism, grace, Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, holy water

    • Chapter 7- God Made Us to Be Good and Holy

      • Heaven, holy, Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, praying with movement

    • Chapter 8- We Give Thanks to God

      • God is a good Father, giving thanks at Mass, Lords Prayer, hallowed, the man who said thank you, thanking prayer

  • Unit 3- God’s Son, Jesus

    • Chapter 9- Jesus is God’s Son

      • Mary’s good news, angel, Hail Mary prayer, Jesus is born, savior, telling others the good news, good news prayer

    • Chapter 10- We Celebrate the Gift of the Eucharist

      • last supper, Eucharist, tabernacle, Saint Katherine Drexel, body and blood, adoration prayer

    • Chapter 11- Jesus Teaches Us About Forgiveness

      • Zacchaeus, forgiveness, golden rule, sin, prayer for God’s mercy

    • Chapter 12- We Pray with God’s Word

      • places Jesus prayed, temple, psalms, Gospel, Jesus and the children, acting prayer

  • Unit 4- The Holy Spirit

    • Chapter 13- Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit

      • Holy Spirit, Saint Dominic Savio, Glory Be prayer

    • Chapter 14- We Celebrate the Gift of the Holy Spirit

      • sacraments, Baptism, Confirmation, becoming Catholic, Nicodemus, prayer to the Holy Spirit

    • Chapter 15- The Holy Spirit Is Our Helper

      • fruits of the Holy Spirit, Christians, Saint Paul’s letters, Saint Thomas Aquinas, prayer to the Holy Spirit

    • Chapter 16- The Holy Spirit Helps Us Pray

      • Jesus teaches us to pray, petitions, final blessing at Mass

  • Unit 5- Jesus’ Church of Followers

    • Chapter 17- Jesus’ Followers Become the Church

      • the first Christians, faith, Amen

    • Chapter 18- We Celebrate Pentecost

      • Pentecost, Saint Francis Xavier, peace, silent prayer

    • Chapter 19- The Church Helps the World

      • apostles, mission, serve, saying yes to God

    • Chapter 20- We Pray with Holy Songs

      • hymns, Saint Cecilia, singing as a form of prayer

  • Other units

    • Prayer

      • morning prayer by StuCo

      • lunch prayer (Bless Us O Lord)

      • end of the day prayer (Hail Mary, Our Father, Glory Be, Angel of God)

      • adoration first Tuesday of the month- make prayer books

    • Advent

    • Christmas

    • Lent

    • Holy Week

    • Easter

    • Ordinary Time

    • Other holy days, people, saints, etc

    • Good News magazines- once a week


Standards on report card:

  1. Demonstrate understanding of inquiry skills

2 Understand how plants and animals survive, grow, and meet their needs

3 Describe the presence of the sun, moon, and stars in the sky over time

4 Understand what sound and light are and how they travel


Unit 1 Engineering and Technology

Unit 2 Sound

Unit 3 Light

Unit 4 Plant and Animal Structures

Unit 5 Living Things and Their Young

Unit 6 Objects and Patterns In the Sky

Social Studies

Standards on report card:

  1. Identify and explain why cities make laws

  1. Recognize and explain the significance of the symbols of the United States

  1. Describe roles and responsibilities of people in government

  1. Compare and contrast the past, present and future

  1. Describe consumers and producers and the relationship to goods and services

  1. Read, construct, and use maps which have a title, key and compass rose.


Quarter 1

Responsible Citizenship

Quarter 2

Community Economics

Quarter 3


Quarter 4


Reading/Language Arts

Standards on report card:

  1. Read grade level appropriate texts with fluency, accuracy, with purpose, and for comprehension

  1. Read independently for multiple purposes over sustained periods of time by

engaging with and reading text that is developmentally appropriate and producing evidence of reading

  1. Identify and read grade level memory words

  1. Decode words in context by using letter-sound knowledge

  1. Produce and identify sounds and syllables in spoken words

  1. Distinguish between long and short vowel sounds

  1. Identify letters for the spelling of short and long vowels

  1. Ask and respond to relevant comprehension questions

  1. Retell main ideas in sequence including key details

  1. Describe characters, setting, problem, solution, and events in logical sequences

  1. Know and use various text features to locate key facts or information in a nonfiction text

  1. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words using a variety of strategies

  1. Understand and use grade level vocabulary words

  1. Spell words using regular spelling patterns, phonemic awareness and spelling knowledge

  1. Spell words correctly on weekly spelling tests

English Language Arts

  1. Use grade level appropriate capitalization and punctuation

  1. Produce complete simple and compound sentences

  1. Follow writing process to plan and develop a first draft, revise and improve writing and publish a final copy

  1. Apply the research process to compose and present a research report

  1. Compose well-developed fiction and non-fiction narratives and poems that narrate a story, use details, place events in order, and provide a reaction to what happened

  1. Compose well-developed opinion text that provide reasons, introduce a topic and provide a sense of closure

  1. Compose well-developed informative/explanatory text that introduce a topic, follow a sense of order in writing and provide a sense of closure

  1. Arrange words in alphabetical order to the first and second letter

  1. Use nouns and action verbs that designate past, present, and future in sentences


  1. Print upper and lower case letters legibly-using correct spacing between words and sentences

  2. Prints correctly on lined paper using appropriate letter sizing