ISPR Middle School


Our vision is to cultivate a learning community of students, teachers, and families united in inspiring young minds to become creative, compassionate and visionary leaders of tomorrow through academic rigor and the shared values of justice, integrity and fun.


The curriculum is characterized by challenging academic standards that lead to high achievement for all students. Standards are clearly articulated at each grade level, building upon a solid content base in each academic subject. Students expand prior knowledge through a spiraled thematic curriculum, focusing on inquiry and project-based applications of key concepts and universal ideas. Instructional practices vary, ensuring that teachers meet the needs of students with diverse learning styles.


Imagine students take C.H.A.R.G.E. of their character development by modeling and practicing courage, honesty, accountability, respect, grit and empathy. Restorative practices are used across the Middle School to ensure that when mistakes occur, the focus is on repairing relationships rather than punishing the student. Our goal is to support students in developing the social and emotional skills they need to become engaged, global citizens.

Shared Values

Every action we take is grounded in our Shared Value of Justice, Integrity and Fun.

Justice: To each what he needs and what he deserves, equity in education.

Integrity: The understanding that we are part of a whole and our actions impact others.

Fun: Empowering people to make decisions and holding them accountable to the results.