Geometria Diferencial

Grupo de pesquisa do Instituto de Matemática
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


email do grupo:
geometria-im [at] im [ponto] ufrj [ponto] br

Instituto de Matemática - UFRJ,
Av. Athos da Silveira Ramos 149,
Centro de Tecnologia - Bloco C,
Cidade Universitária - Ilha do Fundão,
Caixa Postal 68530,
21941-909 Rio de Janeiro,

Telephone: (+55) 21 2562 7036

Grupo de Pesquisa

Grupo de Pesquisa CNPq : Geometria Diferencial na UFRJ

Informações para alunos de pós-graduação

Informação importante sobre disciplinas regulares e provas de qualificação 

Disciplinas de Pós Graduação em Geometria 

Análise Geométrica 2021-1

Geometria Complexa 2020-2

Geometria Diferencial (mest) 2021-1 2020-1

Geometria Riemanniana 2021-2 2020-PLE

Geometria Simplética I

Integrabilidade e Simetria em Física 2021-1

Superfícies Imersas em Warped 

Products de Dimensão Três 2021-1

Superfícies Mínimas

Superfícies de Riemann

Topologia Algébrica 2018-2

Topologia Diferencial

Preprints e publicações recentes

On the stability for constant higher mean curvature hypersurfaces in a Riemannian manifold,  by  Maria Fernanda Elbert and Barbara Nelli

Full Ellipsoid Embeddings and Toric Mutations, by Roger Casals and Renato Vianna 

Geometry of symplectic flux and Lagrangian torus fibrations, by Egor Shelukhin, Dmitry Tonkonog and Renato Vianna 

Infinitely many monotone Lagrangian tori in Del Pezzo surfaces, by Renato Vianna 

Reference Bayesian analysis for hierachical models, by Thaís C. O. Fonseca, Helio S. Migon, Heudson Mirandola

Height estimates for H-surfaces in the warped product M\times_f\R, by Abigail Folha, Carlos Peñafiel, Walcy Santos

The SW(3/2,2) superconformal algebra via a Quantum Hamiltonian Reduction of osp(3|2), by Lázaro O. Rodríguez Díaz

Infinitely many exotic monotone Lagrangian tori in CP^2, by Renato Vianna

Equivariant stable sheaves and toric GIT, by Andrew Clarke, Carl Tipler, (Proc. Royal Soc. of Edinburgh A., 2022).

Constructing symplectomorphisms between symplectic torus quotients, by Hans-Christian Herbig, Ethan Lawler, Christopher Seaton

Hilbert series associated to symplectic quotients by $\operatorname{SU}_2$, by Hans-Christian Herbig, Daniel Herden, Christopher Seaton

On the structure of hypersurfaces in H^n x R with finite strong total curvature, by Maria Fernanda Elbert, Barbara Nelli ( Bull. London Math. Soc. 51, 2019) 

Complete hypersurfaces in Euclidean spaces with strong finite total curvature, by Maria Fernanda Elbert , Manfredo do Carmo (Comm. in Anal. and Geom. 27 (6), 2019)

Explicit formulas in Lie theory, by Alejandro Cabrera, Ioan Marcut, Maria Amelia Salazar

A note on invariant constant curvature immersions in Minkowski space, by François Fillastre, Graham Smith

The Hilbert series of $\operatorname{SL}_2$-invariants, by Pedro de Carvalho Cayres Pinto, Hans-Christian Herbig, Daniel Herden, Christopher Seaton

Lie theory of multiplicative tensors, by Henrique Bursztyn, Thiago Drummond